A photo from open sources Messages from the other world can be heard using the radio. Which is what the members of the newly created Russian Instrumental Transcommunication Association (RAIT). IN 2003, KP correspondent participated in the supernatural experiment, trying to record voices from the other world onto a tape recorder. But he worked with lovers. And he didn’t succeed much – he only heard something slurred. Now professionals, equipped with a serious radio equipment. Yes, and the technique they turned out to be much like more sophisticated. Voices from the irrevocable far away I put on head headphones and not without a shudder, I click the mouse on the monitor – there, where it is written to listen. The cacophony of sounds immediately strikes the brain, similar to rumbling in the stomach. Thank god this nightmare lasts just a few seconds. – Have you heard? Not? There is the phrase death – not the identity of darkness, Igor Albertovich explains to me. – From the first times hard to catch. But then it scrolls through a clearer record. Through the rustling, giving birth to an echo, and creaks, as if rubbing cotton on glass, clearly distinguish a loud female voice: We will help you! – It what else! – does not hide pride Artem Valerevich. – August 25, 2004 years, the day when two Russian crashed at the same time passenger aircraft, we conducted a radio session. At that time yet the reason for the tragedy was not clear. By asking a question, we carefully studied record. Despite the distortions, a few a mechanical shade resembling a synthesizer’s speech was clearly captured: There was a terrorist! (I heard these words. – S.K.) As it turned out later, there was not one criminal, but two suicide bombers. But the meaning of the information from this not distorted. A few days later the message from the other world was confirmed by an official statement by the FSB. – We are trying to attract the souls of the dead to search for the missing, continues Igor Albertovich. – For example, recently we were interested in the fate of one the girl who disappeared without a trace, and from there they confirmed to us that she already left earthly life. Then came a piercing female shout “We will ask for you!”, followed by another female voice in an impassive tone, as if commented: “Adopted here!” is he sounded against the background of screams and groans of many other voices. But I am not I know what that would mean … How to get a message from there? Researchers prefer the so-called radio method – on Today, in their opinion, it is the most effective. Need to do following: turning on the tape recorder for recording, connect it with a cable a radio receiver. And put in front of the microphone. Receiver volume must be adjusted so that the questions you are asking are clear discernible against white noise or radio broadcasts. Meaning the use of the radio for recording is that partners on the other side become available frequencies. But it is not known which one they will choose. Therefore, you can tune in to white noise, that is, to a frequency at which none of the living broadcasts. From the speaker hissing, whistling, rattle will be heard. But their generate electromagnetic fields that facilitate contact. On this noise background and voices should appear. Signalers recommend this a method for beginners whose hearing is still not well trained. Next you can tune in to a specific wavelength where there are transmissions. Which one? Here, everyone decides for himself – by intuition, or something. But according to Igor and Artem, from there they repeatedly asked to use two for communication frequency range at short waves: 31 meters (10 MHz) and 41 meters (7 MHz). They called these ranges frequency windows giving them more freedom of penetration into the world of the living. – Using the radio method, it is necessary to maintain a critical attitude, warns Artem Valerevich. – Listening to the recording is a rather laborious process. And the listener can easily be fooled by the fact that several radio broadcasts, especially at short wavelengths, overlap one upon the other. The voices from there, received via radio, are for the most part transformations of existing fragments of phrases, and this means that the interlocutors on the OTHER side are using delivered speech as raw material for forming messages. Generally, to avoid arbitrary interpretations said, having nothing to do with paranormal voices, not broadcasts in the native language should be used. Living so not they say – But how to distinguish voices from the other world from those that randomly can be recorded from ours or just arose from a combination of different interference? I am interested. – There is a problem, – agrees Artem Valerevich. – But, firstly, as a rule, the content of messages from the afterlife has the most direct relation to either the essence of the question asked experimenter, or to the experimenter himself. Secondly, genuine spiritual voices have a number of specific characteristics – not like a living person’s speech, at least in rhythm and timbre. FROM recognition of their experience becomes not so difficult. IN further received voices can be rewritten separately to another magnetic tape or to a computer disk in the form of an audio file, to facilitate their study. They whisper, moan and scream in most cases, voices are heard only during the subsequent listening to magnetic tape, although in world practice there are vivid examples of transcommunication in the form of direct dialogs through the receiving radio equipment. If specific the interlocutor on the other side, you need to calmly focus and mentally call him. After that, when the recorder is turned on, aloud ask the first question. Wait thirty seconds and ask the next one. Having finished the session, the film is rewound and carefully listened. Better with good headphones. And several times, especially listening in between the questions asked. Answers more often total – single words or short sentences spoken quickly – in fractions or in a few seconds. Or, conversely, so slowly that seem like a meaningless rumble. Volume is different, as well as intelligibility. Sometimes from someone else’s voice souls is laying ears. Advanced professionals often process recordings – slow down or speed up playback. And filtered from extra noise. What are the dead talking about? It turned out, a person falling into heaven becomes very laconic and philosophically inclined. Only a few fresh ones prove this. statements recorded by Igor and Artem. To the question: Is abortion is a crime, and if so, why? – the answer followed: We we are waiting. In the light of known spiritual knowledge, this can be interpreted so: souls are waiting for another relocation. And if women will kill their children, then free souls will have no one to inhabit. During one of the sessions on the radio background sounded a song performed by a man voice in English. Unexpectedly in the place where he was supposed to to be a chorus, an interfering female voice sang in Russian: Here more beautiful! In response to the question whether physical dimensions are maintained people and animals that were inherent in their physical body was The answer is received: We are like waves. A long monologue comes from which is understood only the beginning and end: Immortal man! (beginning) … Choose your Truth! (in the end). Guardian Angels Know About you! – this is about a missing person. The dead are very different – deep male voice on the background of music. You have been given abilities! – female voice on the background of music. We have children. And most the beautiful and optimistic that I heard was, oddly enough, phrase: We are waiting for you. Where are we going to get from you … For millennia, man has sought to communicate with the beyond. He wanted find out what is behind the line – the final end or new Start? I always wanted to console myself that everything wasn’t so fast will tear. That the near and dear people did not die at all, but left to live in another world. That there is still meaning in life. And the only a thread connecting this and that world, while spiritualistic sessions that skeptics still laugh at. Personal case Artyom MIKHEEV. By education mathematicians, in 2001 with graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics St. Petersburg State University, in 2004 – graduate school. Now works as a teacher in St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University. Igor KONSHIN. IN 1992 graduated from Severodvinsk Polytechnic College. It has higher economic education. Works in St. Petersburg Design Engineer at Air-Klima Ventilation Company. Opinion skeptic Sergey Samoilov, radiophysicist, candidate of technical Sciences: – There is no peace of the dead. I can prove this in two ways. a) There is a law of conservation of energy. It is impossible to break it. Now imagine that hundreds of billions of people who died for everything the time of the existence of mankind, longing to chat with their still living relatives and just curious. On this thing they must spend a huge amount of energy. Where are they from her take? No medium gives an answer. b) According to probability theory, millions of years of the existence of mankind the spirit was to appear so powerful that he could easily propagate strong waves, which any receiver or person could accept. And this spirit, if he is so drawn to people, he would give a strong argument for existence an afterlife that could not be denied. Hunters behind acoustic ghosts Thousands of people around the world are involved into such mystical experiments. Developed Transcommunication organizations exist in the USA, Brazil, Spain, Germany, France, Luxembourg. In Russia, something similar arose only at the beginning of this of the year. Initiators of the Association of Domestic Researchers communications – Igor Konshin and Artem Mikheev – put before a task: to strengthen the union between the living and the dead, so that they remembered each other.
Time Life Russia