Metuen’s Ominous Water Demon

Metuen's Ominous Water DemonPhotos from open sources of

In October 1963, an ordinary American family living in the city of Methuene Massachusetts, began to haunt the incomprehensible and terrible supernatural phenomenon.

One morning, Francis Martin, as well as his wife and children noticed smudges on the wall in their living room. In less than half an hour as smudges increased many times in size. Then heard cotton, and icy water poured from the wall. However, after a few seconds it stopped.

The surprised father of the family immediately ruled out the freezing of the pipes. The outside temperature was positive, and besides Martina recently turned to a specialist who checked all their pipes and assured customers that freezing will not happen even in the most icy months. Where did the water come from? Francis already planned to make out double-check the wall to rule out any such incidents, however soon a similar “leak” occurred in another place of the house – after a day incredibly cold water unexpectedly gushed out of the wall in the hallway and just as quickly stopped flow.

Over the next week, such “leaks” occurred in all the premises of the Martins. Streams of ice water poured onto the floor furniture and the residents themselves. Frightened by an inexplicable phenomenon the family invited the sheriff to his house, and the latter saw with his own eyes as a stream of water gushed out from a wall at a distance of a meter. Of course the law enforcement officer could not help the family. He is only recommended the martins to live some time elsewhere and call a more reliable professional who will check all the pipes in the house.

Water demon followed Martin’s family

Francis did so. He called an expensive master and, taking relatives, went to visit his sister. However, come the repairman did not find any defective pipes in the house, or any leaks. Water stopped pouring from nowhere, immediately as the owners left the house. But in the home of relatives of the family, it immediately began the same thing: in all rooms fountains began to beat from the walls. Water flowed every twenty seconds, then abruptly stopped flow.

A photo from open sources

The Martins had no choice but to go back to yourself, and the phenomenon (water demon), as you might guess, returned with them. However, after a month of mini-floods ceased on their own and no longer resumed. Family was not pious and did not appeal to priests or mediums. Francis and his wife was unable to answer reporters why demonic forces left them. However, they were undoubtedly very glad.

Methuen’s Water Demon Appears Unexplained

This unique and inexplicable phenomenon has been called by newspaper men. Methuen’s water demon, although local officials claimed that the house is simply built on wet ground and recommended media employees did not inflate the sensation from the incident. However the latter did not heed the advice of officials since the demonic poltergeist pursued Martin’s family in other buildings, for example, at his sister’s house.

In addition, samples of water oozing from the walls of the Martinov’s house were taken scientists. Analysis showed that it was the purest distilled water that does not contain any foreign matter and impurities. By researchers said getting distilled water such perfect purity is possible only in laboratory conditions …


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