Mexican Challenge Game Excited the Internet

Mexican-style game excited the InternetA photo from open sources

Despite the Mexican game with an appeal to the otherworldly entities through a piece of paper and two pencils already exist long ago, only this week the whole world found out about her thanks viral spread on the web.

To play, you need to take a blank paper sheet, put cross it with two pencils and write in the four corners of the page two times “Yes” and two times “No”. Then those present must ask: “Charlie-Charlie, are you here?” According to this urban myth, the upper pencil should move – this will mean that the spirit visited you. After that, you can ask him various questions about about your future or something else. The game is very similar to fortune-telling known in the countries of the former USSR with a saucer and whatman.

Many people who decide to evoke the Mexican spirit claim that the guest from the other world really communicated with them through a piece of paper and pencils. Other users The Internet reacted to the game with skepticism. According to them, in order so that the top pencil, balancing on the bottom, moves, enough drafts or vibrations from human steps, while no connection between his movement and the questions asked not visible.

Be that as it may, the game has become quite popular on the Web, and offers to play it are distributed geometrically progression. If you wish, you can also try to learn something about to myself. However, do not be alarmed if Charlie really appears to you, He wants to shed light on your future, and this future does not will please …

However, before embarking on such a risky experiment, does not hurt to get acquainted in more detail with the fact that is there witchcraft, what are the sorcerers of the world, and is it worth it mortals do these far from harmless exercises.

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