A photo from open sources
Are creatures from the subtle world that we possess intelligent used to call drums? Tricks and pogroms arranged by them, at first glance, they testify not about manifestations of the mind, but about it absence.
But if we assume that these subtle entities are intelligent, then to what extent? After all, we consider reasonable monkeys, dolphins, elephants, dogs, rats and even a raven … So, scientists made an attempt to measure the intelligence of drummers. In cases where the expert the group made contact with the poltergeist, she received answers to their questions and conducted interesting experiments.
A very interesting contact in 1989 turned out with a certain “advanced” spirit, called Vasya. He was “pinned” to the fourteen-year-old boy Dima, whom he not only accompanied in school, but also helped to study. If even Dima did not teach a lesson, the necessary the answer appeared to him anyway. About this amazing ability the boy was soon recognized by the headmaster, she informed her about it to scientists.
The help provided by Vasya testified to his high intelligence. Scientists decided to conduct an experiment: Dima was It is proposed to solve the equation and calculate the integral. In both cases the student instantly gave the correct answer!
Vasya was asked questions in other languages, and he’s fine got it. Later it turned out that he could even ask questions. mentally.
Moreover, Vasya’s drummer was well versed in designs and schemes of tape recorders, cameras and flash units. He hasn’t many times allowed me to record and photograph myself. Say when on the camera pressed the shutter button, the shutter worked like set, and the flash – only after a few seconds. When turned on the Record button on the tape recorder, it stopped working, however it was worth taking the tape recorder to another room – and the cassette was accepted spin normally.
Thus, poltergeist can be considered with confidence intelligent, equal in intellect to an educated person. However it is by no means the human mind, because it is different numerous violations of logic and unpredictability of actions. Yes, in addition, the drums themselves are different. Scientists have come to to the conclusion that while we are more versed in the mind of the same dog than poltergeist. Is it because the first we have been doing for a long time and persistently, and for a long time they dismissed the second as if from something nonexistent? And how can you dismiss the worst photos of ghosts.