Miracles that happened to the astronaut Aksenov

Miracles that happened with astronaut AksenovA photo from open sources

Of the many thousands of people with paranormal phenomena are faced units. But the space pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Viktorovich Aksenov happened to become three times in his life witness to this miracle. Everyone, I think, is interested in what is not say the astronauts.

Stopped time

With this amazing phenomenon, which is very difficult to explain, Vladimir Aksenov collided even before he became astronaut.

Once in his “Muscovite” man drove to the country. Suddenly on at the railway crossing, his motor stalled. And here because of the turn fifty meters, a racing train appeared. Second or two – and she will crash into the “Muscovite”! .. You can’t do anything anymore.

And then time seemed to slow down its run, and the future astronaut managed to start the engine and move out of the way. Looking around, Aksenov saw: carriages sailed, as in a slow motion movie. He managed to make out completely white face of the train driver, who did not even have time start braking, as the car was very close.

Space voice

The second miracle with Vladimir Aksenov happened already in space. Was June 1980 Crew commander Yuri Malyshev did not succeed bring the ship to the calculated trajectory in order to dock with the Salyut-6 orbital complex. The astronauts had to do the last call – there was no fuel for more.

And then the command to take control sounded in Aksyonov’s mind to myself. Then he acted in a trance and following orders, arising in his head. Only because of this was successful docking completed. About the “otherworldly” teams, both astronauts then they didn’t tell anyone.

Poltergeist visit

Meet 1991 Aksenov and his wife went to the cottage. In their Moscow apartment left his son Sergei and his friend. After midnight the guys went out for a little walk, and when they returned, they were amazed the picture that opened before them. Someone in the bedroom produced real rout. The first impulse was to call the police, however all of a sudden the guys fell into terrible drowsiness. Barely reaching couch, they disconnected.

Returning from the cottage, Aksenov examined this pogrom and was surprised its unnaturalness. For example, a Sony TV fell from a cabinet, hitting the headboard. At the same time, the tube crashed, the boards were pretty dented. A heavy wardrobe lay on doors down, keys stuck in his locks. But they had to bend, and on the floor would have dents! .. However, none of this did not have. And finally, the most incredible: half of one loop, fastening the door was torn like a piece of paper. To to do this, it is necessary to make efforts of tens of tons, – and all the screws, meanwhile, remained in place. And so – almost with every subject.

What happened in the Aksenov’s apartment was very reminiscent of poltergeist because, firstly, heavy objects toppled over and not damaged, and secondly, there was a teleportation of objects – clothes from a wardrobe, bottles, books.


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