Mysterious figure hit the lens webcams

Mysterious figure hit the webcam lensPhoto from open sources

Washington State 47-year-old Laurie Simmons chatted with her girlfriend through video chat. At a certain moment, a friend our heroine noticed something strange in the frame. In the living room behind Simmons passed a mysterious silhouette resembling a low gray large-headed humanoid.

Fortunately for lovers of paranormal, mobile the app that women used to talk recorded communication of American women. By turning on the video below, you can see the alleged anomaly with your own eyes. Could assume that this is a figurine or a doll, but this is something living things clearly moved!

An incomprehensible humanoid creature appeared alternately from behind Lori’s right and left shoulder, as if spying on a woman. When Simmons heard about this from a friend, she was very surprised and she was afraid because she thought she was at home alone. Her relatives were at that moment in another city.

Some users of the World Wide Web believe that this there was a ghost. Others suspect a “gray” alien. Third they talk about hoaxes – they say that we have an ordinary child. If believe the fourth, then some cryptid looked into Simmons’s house, that is, a creature unknown to official science.

The video is clearly designed for a person’s belief in a mysterious, but, with on the other hand, provides food for thought, for example, whether use video chat when you are alone at home? ..

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