Mysterious hit the baby monitor lens head

A mysterious head has hit the lens of a baby monitorPhoto from open sources

A resident of Ireland tested a monitor baby monitor, whose camera was installed in the room of his newborn son, and unexpectedly noticed something strange on the screen of the recorder and frightening.

The wife of our hero was at this time near the crib with a child. Looking at his loved ones, a man suddenly saw behind ajar door behind his wife an incomprehensible dark silhouette that looks like someone’s head. The stranger peered into the bedroom, then abruptly. hid.

Terrified, the father of the family rushed to his relatives, but in the nursery there was no one in the room except his wife with a minor a child. The Irishman examined the whole house, but did not find in his home of any sign of penetration. However, the couple is fast dawned that we can talk about a supernatural guest who materialized here for only a few seconds, after which it also rapidly disappeared.

Many users of the World Wide Web felt that before We are the result of video editing, and not the most skilled. They say the mysterious head behind the door disappears too quickly, like a certain special effect. However, other commentators have fully believed that this is real hell. Some even talked about a ghost or a demon who wants to harm a baby. However, with the same probability it could be one of the close deceased relatives who came look at the newborn …

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