Mystical fires of the Italian town Canetto di Caronia

A photo from open sources

In the world-famous coastal village of Canetto di Caronia, located between Palermo and Messina, exactly ten years later after the first fire, household appliances began to flare up again electrical appliances, including those disconnected from the network.


Suddenly, in front of dozens of experts and local people, TVs, counters light up, as well as couches, mattresses, bedding and even plastic water tanks, as well as many other things.

Since mid-July, in a village where less than two hundred people live, More than 40 strange fires have already occurred. And again, as in the past, rumors were circulating among people about secret military experiments, scientists, about UFOs and other devilry. The fear is so great that many now prefer to sleep on the veranda at home or sleep on queues.

A photo from open sources

“The television in the living room and the mirror in bathroom, walked the fire and in the kitchen, making a huge through hole in the wall – through tears tells La Sicilia an elderly widow named Lorenzina. – I have no more strength bear it all. I’m afraid to see how my house we built with her husband will also be engulfed in fire. Ten days ago the parish priest came to bless him, but hardly it will help. ”

“The government of Sicily must give final answers, – calls on the higher authorities of the mayor of the village of Calogero Beringeli. – I I ask the Prime Minister to find experts who came to Canetto ten years ago so that they finally reveal to us the secret that were afraid to tell you last time. ”


The first time the village of Canetto di Caronia became the leader of the world news in 2004, when in the most mysterious way by themselves herbs of the species Ampelodesmos Mauritanicus began to erupt here, and no others, shoals of mussels and fish were thrown onto the shore, in striped eggplants grew in the gardens, abnormalities were recorded electromagnetic flows from the seabed.

A photo from open sources

In subsequent years, strange objects often appeared in the sky, yes and in general something incomprehensible was going on. For example, when in 2006 civil defense helicopter made a normal flight, it suddenly the strongest vibration began.

The crew made an emergency landing, and then it turned out that three propeller blades are badly damaged. After the investigation, experts concluded that in this case, airborne collisions with there were no birds. Organic or other material on the affected plots were not found. That is, it was concluded that the incident occurred due to “changes in electrical conductivity inside the blades.”

A photo from open sources

A UFO landed near Canetto – a field was discovered meadow with burnt grass. Moreover, eyewitnesses who tried capture the many silver “saucers” flying over the city, all as one got weird hand burns that local doctors described in official documents as abnormal.

In the town itself, several dozen cases were recorded arbitrary ignition of household electrical appliances – from TVs to toasters.

UFO over Canetto (2008)

A photo from open sources

At first they sinned for a malfunction in the mains, but the same and the furniture began to light up. Before surprised looks residents don’t know where the fire came from, sofas blankets and curtains in the houses.

“I myself saw electric cables not plugged into the network caught fire. And I can’t explain it, never seen anything like that, “one of the local police reported.

At first, no one believed the stories of the inhabitants of Canetto. Desperate residents had to block the railway passing by, in order to force the authorities to take seriously their problems.


Since then, history has gained worldwide fame, and Canetto began to be called the “village of magic lights.” It was reinforced here the presence of fire officials and police officers who, however, no matter how hard they tried, they found no evidence intentional arson.

The towel itself caught fire in the toilet

A photo from open sources

Enel energy company once, for the sake of experiment, disconnected the whole city from the mains, but the ignition of electrical appliances did not stop. Even the water supply was covered by fire. Moreover, one of the locals told how shoes flashed on his legs and pants, while he felt a specific smell sulfur.

After that, there were rumors about an invasion of demonic forces, a place the battle that became a small town on a rocky the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. There were also versions about the impact on electrical appliances of some kind of space military satellite floating near a submarine.

A photo from open sources

For several days, some of the inhabitants of the town were evacuated, and Carabinieri blocked access to a dangerous area for curious tourists. Nevertheless, the anomalous phenomena continued. Cars by themselves were moving away, mobile phones from which they were taken batteries, rang for several hours without a break.


Looking for a scientific explanation of what is happening in Canetto at the request of the Italian government gathered dozens of scientists from National Research Institute (CNR), experts from the Department of Civil Protection, including engineers for electronics and military personnel.

In a study that has been conducted for several years, American physicists from NASA also attended. At first them collaboration did not lead to unambiguous assessments of the mysterious fires. However, as a result, the experts concluded that spontaneous ignitions were caused by “strong electromagnetic waves of 12-15 gigawatts that are not created by man “and their source is not known: it is land, marine or comes from some kind of radar.

A photo from open sources

The commission’s report also said that perhaps Canetto di Caronia was covered by a certain “extraterrestrial wave”.

“We are not saying that the little green man from Mars made arson. We assume that some unnatural forces are to blame, capable of creating large electromagnetic energy, “- explained on press conference “unscientific” assumption Francisco Mantegna Venerando from the Civil Defense Department of Sicily.

In turn, the famous Catholic priest and chief Vatican exorcist father Gabriel Amort called for blessing at home affected by mysterious fires. He claimed that in the town what happened usually happens when the demon enters life those who allow it to him. ”

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

In another interview, the priest stated: “If this happens, then there is a reason. So someone in these parts is having fun the magic that opens the door that Satan uses. Occultism has always been widespread, and interest in it is never more right now”.

According to Amorth, it is only natural that “underground magic” Electrical appliances and electrical outlets reacted. “I’m something already seen this in houses defiled by the devil, who demonstrates its presence precisely through devices operating from electricity, ”he said. – I have repeatedly seen light up TVs, dishwashers and washing machines and even home appliances telephones, in other words, everything related to electricity. Naturally, not only electrical appliances light up, but all rest. Let’s not forget that Satan and his spirits are huge power”.

In 2008, the Cannetto City Council decided to establish another special group for the observation and study of abnormal phenomena occurring in the district. But the experts did not proceed to work because a fiery bacchanalia in town suddenly has stopped.

A photo from open sources

What caused this is unknown. According to the Vatican, the devil just “played enough” with electricity. Prosecutor’s Office in Messina made her conclusion. Having finally closed a long criminal case, she stated that the “human factor” was to blame for everything.

The Italian edition of Corriere della Sera also did not remain in side, wondering: “Perhaps in this sparsely populated is someone doing some research in someone’s interests? Perhaps someone prefers to see nothing, not hear, not do?”

Reporters have not yet received any answers. And Calogero Beringeli meanwhile ordered for safety reasons to leave urgently home to 38 Canetto residents, who especially light up appliances and things. In one family, for example, a TV flashed five once until completely burned out!

While the “fire victims” were placed in a local hotel …

Gennady Fedotov “Anomalous News”, September 2014

Vatican Fires

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