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Clown Motel, located in a former mining town Tonopah Nevada is arguably the creepiest roadside United States Hotel. According to urban legend, this The motel between Las Vegas and Reno is populated by people’s spirits, who died more than a century ago as a result of a mysterious epidemic. But This place also has another frightening feature.
A photo from open sources
The hotel has at least a thousand clown dolls. Toys adorn the reception, bathrooms, corridors and rooms, invariably attracting tourists from all over the world. Clowns even suspended above the beds, and many guests have to cover with towels and sheets so you don’t have nightmares and sleep well. Sinister dolls are said to rotate at night eyes, turn heads and even spontaneously move around the building.
A photo from open sources
Just a stone’s throw from the Clown Motel is the old cemetery. Here lie the bodies of dozens of miners and their relatives, dead in 1901-1902 as a result of the so-called “tonopian plague. “An unknown disease then destroyed more than half residents of the city. And in 1911 there was a major fire, also that killed many people. If you believe the urban legend, it is the spirits of these people who inhabit the dolls and scare the guests (or just played with them).
The Clown Motel was opened in 1997 and has since become quite a popular attraction. Now, after two decades, its owner Bob Perchetti decided to part with his brainchild. The hotel was recently put up for sale, however you can buy it with only one condition: mystical dolls from The Clown Motel is not going anywhere. However, it is unlikely that the new owner of the motel would refuse such a means of attraction customers, so the condition in this case is purely formal role.
USA dolls