Mystical mystery – poltergeist

The mystical riddle - poltergeistPhotos from open sources of

How and why does a poltergeist appear, by what principle does he chooses particular buildings, remains a mystery even for experienced ghostbusters.

At one time, biologist Alexander Arefyev, who is studying poltergeist claimed that this abnormal phenomenon is occurring certainly in quiet and old buildings, and therefore most often such hell appears in private homes, ignoring the noisy and crowded establishments, say factories or military barracks. However poltergeist was seen in these places, history knows similar cases that even got their name – army poltergeist. And yet, most often the drummer appears in residential houses, although, as psychics say, poltergeist chooses not house, and people. For this reason, it’s often impossible to run away from him, just changing housing.

Poltergeist in Scotland

Scottish police officers in the small town of Rutherglen (South Lanarkshire) with twenty years of experience in law enforcement bodies, were shocked by what they saw when they arrived at the call of the family, tired of fighting the devilry in their house.

In the rooms there was an inexplicable flickering light through the air clothes flew, spontaneously opened and closed all kinds of doors and shutters, but the most surprising thing was that a small chihuahua breed dog somehow took off on two-meter fence and now could not get down from there by yourself.

A photo from open sources

The police described all these events as tricks. poltergeist, and therefore invited to the scene Catholic priest so that he consecrates this house. Terrified in two days of hell the family left the keys to the police and in a hurry left the house, deciding to stay with relatives for some time. They are not they know if the priest will help them, but the plan of returning to the damned house they don’t even consider yet.

The British shot a poltergeist in his house

United Kingdom resident Brad Prior claims that in a drummer has been living in his house for a month now. Guest from Beyond often tends to commit atrocities by scattering objects on the floor, slamming doors and even independently including heating appliances.

The landlord has repeatedly reported his problems with paranormal to relatives and friends, however Brad’s close especially believed that a man cohabits with a restless in spirit. Then Prior decided to prove to the skeptics his innocence and installed a video camera in his kitchen. To the joy of the homeowner the ghost raged quickly, and its terrible tricks in all its beauty captured on video.

A photo from open sources

The video below shows how the british puts a recording device in his kitchen and leaves the room. After for a while, a roll of paper towels falls from the opposite table. Not even a few seconds pass, like towels on the floor flying frying pan, detergent, cutlery and plenty other items. The oven door slams on its own, and one from chairs overturns with furious force, as if someone is invisible angrily kicked his foot.

A few minutes later, the ghost throws other things on the floor, and then opens the desk drawer and wall cabinet, also throwing them out contents out.

Many users of the World Wide Web were seriously struck this entry. The chaos that took place in Pryor’s kitchen is unlikely could be caused by fishing line tied to objects, as is often the case happens on fake poltergeist videos. Imitate this supernatural activity is difficult enough and it took would have good skills in creating computer special effects in which organically connected video and sound.

The homeowner reports that he really sees no reason worry about your safety however rebellious drummer gives him a lot of trouble, because it tends to riots in the house.


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