Mystical Park of the living and the dead in Voronezh

Mystical Park of the living and the dead in VoronezhPhoto from open sources

According to Voronezh residents, there is no more mystical and a mysterious place than Durov Park in the Leninsky district, also called in common people the Park of the living and the dead. This landscaped territory appeared here in 1940. The park is located right on Mitrofanievsky cemetery, where the last burial was made only 5 years before the conversion of this churchyard into a place rest of the townspeople.

Even if you do not take into account the spiritual prohibitions, which Soviet officials didn’t give a damn about atheism was a significant violation of the law – under the mineralization of corpses on any cemetery is assigned at least 20 years, after which on the spot the former cemetery can be located something else: a park or square. In addition, construction is prohibited in such places, but in Durov Park was subsequently erected a circus, a shopping center, dug an underpass and created many other objects, clearly contrary to the laws, and even more so spiritual traditions. therefore no wonder this park has become a favorite place not only Voronezh, but also ghosts.

A photo from open sources

It is reported that in the last century, ghosts were observed very often, especially at night. Voronezh residents, of course, fell in love a new park, however, some citizens came across real mysticism, and therefore they were mortally scared when they noticed on paths vague phantoms of the deceased, smoothly gliding above the ground. However, these natives from the other world did not harm the living.

Tombstone Mystery

But with the tombstones of the former cemetery, troubles were much more. They paved the nearby stairs and streets. More Moreover, stones from the place of eternal rest appeared in the courtyards of residential houses. However, less than a year has passed, like shabby centuries-old plates people started just throwing it out, replacing it with modern building materials. The fact is that in those yards where such stones lay, various misfortunes occurred. That burns the house with people inside, then the whole family gets sick, someone falls out of the blue and breaks the head. There were rumors that there were no households where the presence of a slab from the Mitrofanievsky cemetery would not have spilled into one or another tragedy.

A photo from open sources

It is noteworthy that some of the slabs that served as the steps of the stairs, met here 7 years ago. Perhaps the most famous the stove was on the stairs of Velvet Bugor Street. Throughout For many years a girl’s silhouette was noticed on this stone. Phantom guest materialized on the steps and sitting crying at night. They called her Praskovye – it was this name that could be read on the grave the plate that the Soviet atheists barbarously used in as building material for the street. Once a local guessed and went to church, where he ordered a memorial service for Praskovye. Soon after, the ghost stopped appearing on stairs, however the misfortunes continued until the stove finally removed …

Citizens say that when a shopping was built in the park center “Europe”, the builders were often mutilated and injured. A workers of the Voronezh circus all as one claimed that trained animals here refuse to obey and lead yourself as if constantly frightened by something.

A photo from open sources


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