Near the old castle, a dark silhouette was photographed ghost

A photo from open sources

The incident in Dover Castle scared seriously guards and interested lovers of paranormal phenomena: The ghost of the museum was captured.

According to the British tabloid Mirror, a surveillance camera, installed near the entrance to one of the largest castles in England, recorded the appearance of a strange object. On frames you can consider how a dark blurry figure slowly plots near entrance to Dover Castle, which is currently is a museum.

A photo from open sources

A strange shadow appeared on the monitors guarded the guards attractions of the city of Dover, Kent, and one of them went into the yard in order to find out what was happening. However, to the moment a man approached the exit, a mysterious figure without a trace has disappeared. On the video you can see how surprised the guard is: he looks around and is clearly confused.

According to British journalists, the 11-second clip, showing a ghost walk was posted on YouTube by a user known only as spyder1spanner2. In the comment To the video, he emphasized that the video he shot on his mobile phone not a hoax, but did not offer versions what happened.

“I promise this is not a fake. It is shot on CCTV (system closed-circuit television) at Dover Castle. I took off mobile. To be honest, I don’t even know how to do this fake, ”spyder1spanner2 wrote.

YouTube users who viewed the video didn’t hide what they saw impressed them. So, participating in the discussion of the video Louise Hampton stated the following: “It’s great frames! It looks like he (the ghost) was trying to find himself. You can even see how his legs move! ”

Later, readers who read the news about the ghostly a museum visitor suggested that a video that scored more than 10 000 views, was posted by the guard himself, trying to find an explanation of what happened.

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