New Year’s ghost hit the camera in Sochi

New Year's ghost hit the camera in SochiPhotos from open sources of

In one of the houses in Sochi, a mysterious surveillance camera anomaly. A man whose name is Ramil and who comments the video below believes that it’s about New Year’s ghost, who wished to be closer to people on holiday.

Sochinets says that the alleged person from another world materialized on the night of January 1 in house 29 on Ulyanov Street. This happened in Uncle Ramil’s garage. Households were very puzzled the appearance of a mysterious bunch of light on the security monitor, however, when they went out into the garage, nothing unusual there it turned out.

By turning on the entry below, you can see how in a formless white spot flickering in the air, suspiciously similar on a little ghost. At the end of the video, it generally starts scurry back and forth with great speed. When the owners of the house they asked his nephew to follow the monitor, and they went out into the garage, the alleged phantom remained on the screen, but personally no one I saw him near the cars. Despite the fact that the inhabitants of the house are in earnest frightened by the appearance of the drummer, they hoped that the supernatural uninvited guest is friendly and therefore it will not harm the living.

The video quickly caught the attention of many users Russian segment of the World Wide Web. Some commentators felt that this is indeed a native of the subtle world. According to others, it is a speck of dust or an insect in the camera lens. Still others say that a blink of light or a malfunction is to blame. matrix recorder. One way or another, experts in paranormal areas say this is a pretty curious video, requiring further study. Indeed, among the Russians, as you know, there is no general belief in ghosts, and therefore such materials receive in our country very infrequently, and already spread on the Runet – and even less so …

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