Night guard captured a ghost on escalator

The night guard captured a ghost on an escalatorPhoto from open sources

A night guard working in a supermarket in Portugal, claims to have encountered mysticism during a recent vigil. According to the man, at about half past two in the night he went around the building and suddenly noticed a light human silhouette with dark hair rising to the escalator.

Our hero shouted to a stranger or a stranger, but he wasn’t paid attention. Surprised guard peered better before how to use weapons according to the instructions, and noticed that the figure on the transport ladder is a translucent shadow, a little like on a living person. Frightened by this discovery, the Portuguese did not decided to approach a mystical stranger and retired.

A man works here recently. He later found out that this a supermarket is considered an unkind place where periodically occurs different devilry. For no reason, a fire will break out in department with toys, then on the wall in the ladies’ toilet there will be a huge a mold spot that simply cannot form in just one night, what a breathtaking thing. And all this often falls on surveillance cameras, after which the administration of the shopping places in disbelief shrugs …

Some employees and visitors to the store claim that notice peripheral vision of some people in distant corners structures, although upon careful examination there is no one is detected. Because of this, rumors about ghosts inhabiting the supermarket. For this reason, the store a large turnover of personnel and especially night guards. Here is the current “hero”, faced with something unknown in a huge night supermarket, is already considering dismissal …

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