Photos from open sources
Probably today everyone knows what poltergeist is, which we sometimes we also call a noisy spirit or a drum. And here is that poltergeist called a drummer in the late eighties of the past Century TV presenter of the then popular television show central USSR television “Obvious-unbelievable” Alexey Gorovatsky, about this almost no one remembers.
At the end of the last century, Soviet people practically didn’t knew and did not hear about poltergeist, such programs as “Obviously unbelievable,” newspapers have just begun to appear readers also did not indulge in such sensational materials – they were banned because the USSR was a state atheists who deny as God, that and all sorts of manifestations devilry.
However, in September 1987, in a Moscow hostel in Likhobory, at about nine in the evening, at the door of the room where three lived girls who came from different parts of the Soviet Union to work for construction sites of the capital, someone knocked. One of the girls opened the door but no one was behind her. After that, in the kitchen for no reason the kettle whistled, although no one turned it on, and the front door to the room began to open and close spontaneously. Summoned neighbor Jura couldn’t do anything to help him, all his attempts somehow resist the invisibility were unsuccessful.
A photo from open sources
Then the girls decided to negotiate with the spirit, established soon with him a certain relationship, perceiving him as the fourth tenant rooms, even had conversations with him, in which one knock from the side invisible means yes, and two means no. The girls were not really scared such a neighborhood, taking it as a kind of game. They soon learned from his invisible neighbor that he is the spirit of a child who for an unknown reason, he himself was stuck in this world.
Poltergeist does not appear by chance
Soon, the rumor about the hostel poltergeist reached the foreman construction site, which decided to check whether this is really so. is he the girls appeared in the room just at the moment when they were driving dialogue with your spirit. The foreman also connected to this conversation, asked the invisible a few questions that none of those present could not know the answer. For example, how many rooms are in his mother’s apartment, how many workers he sent today to a construction site along Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya street, and, having received accurate answers to their questions, not just surprised, he called the other day on TV.
A photo from open sources
And the crew of the program came to the hostel “Obvious — Incredible” led by television presenter Alexei Gorovatsky, which a little later will call the settled spirit of the girls a drummer – from the word “drumming”, that is, knocking.
Despite the fact that the television crew did not succeed then take off this funny drummer, once a camera with IR working at night, I nevertheless caught an obscure silhouette with a height of a meter or a little more, which is consistent with the recognition of the poltergeist that he is a spirit a child.
The scientist Alexander Semenov, who is engaged in just a poltergeist and other paranormal phenomena, says that the drummer settled girls are far from accidental in the room, since poltergeist like usually appears where fortunetellers are engaged in spiritualism, cause spirits, come into contact with black magic and so on. And among the girls of that room of Firiz, who was from Uzbekistan, in her native the village was engaged in all these demonic “entertainments”. Speritism at one time, two other girls also tried to study. That’s why, when all this trinity was moved from a dysfunctional room to another dormitory, drummer left with them, and on Likhobory established silence. On the fate of the girls nobody knows anything …
A photo from open sources
Information about the poltergeist, clarifies Alexander Semenov, comes already from the Middle Ages, however, are indirect. First documented mention of this supernatural phenomenon dates back to 1612 the year when the French priest François Perrault once returned home and found his family in complete dismay, as in the building the doors slammed for no reason, there was a knock, beat in the kitchen dishes and so on. Other Priests Appearing at the Call of Francois became witnesses of an explicit poltergeist, which they later described in all the details. The reason poltergeist appeared in the house then the priests from the church considered the servant of the wife Francois, who was engaged in black magic and had a reputation in the district even the witch. By the way, she was very familiar with the spirit, almost flirted with him …
USSR time �