On sea open spaces began to breed ghost ships

In the open sea began to breedA photo from open sources

Who does not know the legend of the Flying Dutchman. And such a ghost ship is not unique in the history of mankind. True in lately there have been too many of them …

Modern “ghost ships” are just another way making money in the form of piracy or smuggling. Modern smugglers buy an old ship (the older and cheaper is better), then they go to where there are a lot of people, seeking by any means to get to Europe, say, to Libya. Here on these unfortunate illegal immigrants and make money, and very large. A fare is collected from illegal immigrants (and a considerable one – one flight can make a profit of five to six million euros), then they are thrown into the sea together with the ship a few kilometers from the coveted Europe (it’s good that it’s not in the open ocean).

Recently, one of these vessels “Ezadeen”, and stuffed migrants, like herring in a barrel, were detained by the Italian coast guard. Naturally, neither the captain nor the other crew members on board it turned out – they fled from the ship in time, leaving it drift into the sea. Almost four hundred people came to Ezadeen from Syria, each paid five to six thousand euros for such a “cruise”, paid in the hope of breaking free from his “burning fire” countries and start a new quiet life in Europe.

Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commissioner for Migration, called on EU countries to take decisive action against pirates XXI centuries, since the unfortunate victims themselves of such swindle reproach and blame for something other than naivety, not have to …


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