On the Russian road, a ghost was filmed, which visible only under headlights

On the Russian road, they shot a ghost, which is visible only under the headlightsA photo from open sources

Russians captured something strange on the highway near the international airport “Vladivostok”.

Mysterious frames depict an ominous silhouette, periodically appearing on the road near cars passing by. Is worth drive a car, as a black figure with some processes that resemble arms, legs and even horns with a tail – creepy ghost.

The authors posted the video in one of the popular automobile online communities of Primorye.

It is known that eyewitnesses accidentally noticed on the highway suspicious dark silhouette. The strangest thing is that he appeared only when vehicles passed behind him. Witnesses began filming the anomaly in order to make sure that they it does not seem. On the record, the alleged person from another world also fixed. Our compatriots also note that when slow motion can be considered mysterious the silhouette is swinging.

A photo from open sources

Many commentators are convinced that this is actually a ghost. Perhaps a pedestrian, driver or passenger was once killed on the highway, whose spirit now arises here in the form of an ephemeral shadow. Such lost souls on Russian roads, according to urban legends, there are so many. Some of them, according to these legends, are angry and provoke new accidents, suddenly materializing in the midst roadway. Others are neutral, non-interacting with the world of the living. Well, the third – friendly, helping motorists avoid crashes into a ditch and collisions with others by cars.

Some users of social networks tried to find what happened rational explanation. According to such materialists, it was shadow from a road sign or similar object. Say, when cars passed by the road, this shadow fell on them, and in a different way it was impossible to see at night.

Well, skeptics may be right, but they should still blame persistent reluctance to see something in everyday things mysterious and amazing. What are we worse than the same British, accustomed to admire at home any phenomena, even remotely reminiscent of mysticism?

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