Other world arsonists

A photo from open sources

Fiery disaster spiraled In January 2004 mysterious fires attracted the attention of the Italian public the city of Canneto di Caronha in Sicily. City buildings lighted up unexpectedly, one after another, first on the outskirts of the city, and then, moving in a spiral, as it were, closer to the center. Barely firefighters managed to extinguish the flame, as engaged in a new one. Residents and the city authorities zealously searched for arsonists, they even found someone, but fires continued. The strangest thing about these fires was that it was not possible to establish their cause in any way. Version of arson experts shallows very soon. Some eyewitnesses said it all began with electrical appliances. However, wiring is almost always turned out to be normal. Others claimed to spontaneously ignited objects, including “made from non-combustible materials. A creepy episode occurred during a wedding ceremonies when for no reason gifts buried on separate table. Later, these gifts and a table were carefully checked, but no sources of ignition were found. Suspected during “wrecking activity” and the dormant volcano Etna, located nearby, in connection with which they explored the land in the city, but this nothing gave. Fires stopped several times, and for some time calmed down, but then the violence of the elements resumed with a new, even greater power. Houses burned even in days when electricity disconnected throughout the city. Finally, everything returned to normal only to August. In the wake of the events, experts put forward different versions. The assumption of poltergeist was not confirmed, since he usually operates within a relatively small area – at home, site or even one room – and has, as a rule, expressed the carrier – the person in whose presence it is manifested especially actively. In Canneto di Caronha, nothing of the kind was noted. Famous exorcist Gabriel Amorf was convinced that fires were set up demons that have infiltrated one of the inhabitants of the city. The military, in their they suspected the use of the latest secret weapons, emitting some kind of extremely powerful field. However none of versions did not reveal the secrets of unusual fires. Fiery balls In connection with the events in Sicily, they recalled a similar story, what happened in 1990 in the same Italy, in an alpine village San Gottardo. Then in the home, appliances burned with might and main wiring, although the electricians did not find any faults. The fires happened unexpectedly, the flame flashed with great force, leading to serious fires. They barely had time to put out. Fire raged even when San Gotthardo was completely de-energized. To that dozens of villagers began to complain of headaches and abdominal pain, weakness, blisters on the skin, and the doctor doesn’t could help people. In the end, the villagers concluded that in otherworldly forces are to blame for fires. Many fled from their homes abandoning their homes. To tourists who watched all of this from the side, it seemed that the village was engulfed in mass hysteria. Strange malaise and panic ended only with the cessation of fires, the cause of which remained unclear. Mysterious causeless fires occur around the world, and sometimes with weather conditions that have nothing to do with it. So, in the late 1970s, fires in one of the cities in southeast China started in the midst of the rainy season, covering simultaneously many houses. However, even a downpour could not put out the flame, then completely disappearing, then again inexplicably appearing and in the end destroying three quarters of the city. Outlet Flames Surprising events were accompanied by fires in Warncliffe (state West Virginia, USA) in the summer of 1983. Here at home, one by one burned in the fire, “out” of electrical outlets. At all, ball lightning possesses the property of “blowing out” from there, but cases these are sporadic and extremely rare, meanwhile in Worcliffe a flame “shot” from sockets in almost all homes. As in San Gottardo and Canneto di Caronha, the fire did not stop and after a complete blackout in the city. Witnesses were amazed the “supernatural” power and speed with which the fire devoured the house. More than once, people saw a building at the very beginning of a disaster covered with a flame of a spherical shape, and such vpichiny that the building turned out to be inside a fireball. Strange Spheres held for a few seconds and fell apart, turning into simple, although quite a big fire. Occultists see the reason for such phenomena in the actions of essences of the subtle world that are capable of intervene in our lives in various ways, including very unpleasant for us, such as fires. These entities (or parts thereof) can infiltrate people or objects, making them seem to be programmed to project evil.

Time Fires

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