Otherworldly reality

Messages often appear in the media people about meeting with ghosts. Most of them turn out to be doubtful. But still there are such examples of manifestations otherworldly entities that practically disprove impossible.

OtherworldlyPhotos from open sources

Ghost with flower

Ghost cases are especially convincing then, when the latter directly intervene in people’s lives. For example, they transmit some information. This is what happened with a young Englishman, Oone Harrison. He came to Europe from South Africa, where his family lived at that time, to participate in the fight against fascism, and died in Italy in 1944. Despite that the Harrison family settled in South Africa many years ago, his a ghost shrouded in golden fog appeared in their old house in England, where at that time lived the aunt of a young man, Mrs. Fix

The ghost said, “Tell mom,” and disappeared. Startled mrs Fix decided what she thought. But in a few days the otherworldly guest came again with the same request. This time he added a name – Helen – and showed a blue flower, which Mrs. Fix never seen before. She finally decided to write to her sister in South Africa and talk about his meetings with the ghost of a nephew. The response letter said that the blue flower is an orchid, which the young man once quietly took out from the exhibition of exotic colors. The name Helen first puzzled Owen’s loved ones, but soon it turned out that was the name of the girl with whom he was in love – found his love letters to her. Heartbroken relatives the deceased were convinced that their son remained alive after his death body shell.

Good name restored!

A photo from open sources

The ghost can be found in the theater

Reliably look such cases of the appearance of ghosts, when, to for example, the spirit of the murdered person shows people the place where he is body, and ceases to appear only after this body is buried with appropriate ceremonies. Find the body (after the prompt ghost) can even dozens or even hundreds of years after committing a crime. There are many such cases. Much less often a ghost the slain directly points to his killer. Most famous example this is the case of American Lieutenant James Sutton. The army authorities announced that he committed suicide. However spirit Sutton appeared several times to his mother and other relatives with a message that he was actually killed. Moreover, it is detailed described the details of the murder and named the names of the criminals. A business received a public outcry, and the military leadership had to resume the investigation. The body of the lieutenant was exhumed. An examination showed that he was indeed killed, and the wounds were marked in the places indicated in conversations with the mother ghost. Repeated trial confirms suicide disappears. The good name of James Sutton has been restored, and since Since then, the ghost has ceased to appear to its living relatives.

At an altitude of 6000 meters

A photo from open sources

New York – Miami flight hour before fatal departure

Meetings with ghosts are most often explained by hallucinations. Of course, one witness’s testimony can be called a hallucination, two, even many (after all, massive hallucinations are known!), but when the same ghost is seen by hundreds of people at different times then the likelihood of hallucinations is reduced to zero. Here is the story of American passenger plane that crashed at night 29 December 1972 in the sky over Florida. The catastrophe was preceded strange dream of one of the flight attendants who worked on flights New York – Miami served by this plane. Sleep lasted a few seconds, but she clearly remembered the vision of smoking airliner falling in a swamp. Telling her colleagues about this, she argued that the event should happen somewhere before the New Year. No one attached importance to her words. But somehow before the next a flight with a stewardess had a nervous breakdown. I had to replace her other girlfriend. And that night with the plane on which she should was to fly, there was a disaster she saw in a dream. Airplane really crashed into a swamp. And in the spring of 1973 among the pilots, flying along the fateful route, amazing began to spread gossip. As if during almost every flight in the pilot’s cabin or salon mysterious figures in the form of pilots appear. IN captains who died in that ill-fated flight captain were easily recognized by ghosts Robert Loft and Flight Engineer Don Repo. The authorities at first hid this information, but the number of evidence grew every day, and in the end in the end, all this became the property of the press. Investigation showed that ghosts appeared not only on those planes that flew along the route of the deceased airliner. They appeared at all airplanes on which the parts taken from it were installed. The airline management ordered them to be removed from planes, and ghosts have disappeared. Apparently, the souls of the dead pilots finally found peace and moved to a different, better world.

“Robber” goes through the door

Another piece of evidence for ghosts is fixing them with devices. Until recently, most specialists were of the opinion that ghostly entities do not appear there, where there are no living people who could see and hear them. However with the development of video technology, it became clear that for the appearance of spirits not obligatory presence of living witnesses. Mysterious images similar to ghosts, appear on the film of tracking cameras, who watch the uninhabited rooms. In 1991, one such the camera recorded an otherworldly guest visiting an empty night club “Butterflies” in the city of Oldham (England).

A photo from open sources

The ghost can be found in the church

October 27, Cameron Walsh-Balshaw, Club Manager and his assistant John Reid, leaving work, as usual, in the morning, did not forget to lock room and turn on the alarm. However at half past four im police called and reported that the “Butterflies” worked signaling. Cameron and an assistant rushed to the club, where there were law enforcement officers. Everything was unchanged at the club, but the alarm really worked – someone was trying to get to box office of the club. A thorough search in the premises of traces of a robber is not revealed. But the main mystery awaited the police when watching recording a tracking camera installed in the corridor. Camera captured a male figure walking in the corridor in dark trousers and short-sleeved shirt. The stranger looked like an ordinary cracker. He reached the end of the corridor and, without stopping, just went through a locked door, behind which was a room with box office. Stunned spectators scrolled the film over and over again, hoping that their vision fails. But there was no mistake. On videotape the locked door and the man who passes through it! The clock mechanism of the camcorder time is 04:32:22. Just at that time the alarm went off! IN November 1991, experts of the British Association of Investigation abnormal phenomena conducted a comprehensive study of the entire incident, including analysis of the captured film. It turned out that in the clubhouse, built back in the nineteenth century, various ghosts. The poltergeist was also observed in it. The incident agitated public. The local newspaper Oldham Evening Chronicle posted photograph of a ghost, and one of the townspeople – someone Derek Lloyd said that the ghost cracker was his father, who died in this building during its restoration in 1936 under mysterious circumstances. Skeptics have suggested that taped the image of someone who walked down the hall before. In other words, it happened layering frames. Club Manager Cameron Walsh-Balshaw strongly rejected such an opportunity.

“We have a lot of films,” he said, “and every night we put on the video is clean. This is a prerequisite of our insurance. agreement.

Checking the film by BBC technicians showed that Cameron was right: there could be no layering of personnel. And this once again proved that an unusual figure walking along the corridor and penetrating through a locked door, could only be removed at night on October 27th. So, the night visitor turned out to be quite real. His figure is not only captured on video, but also made it work alarm. But this visitor walked through a locked door! Nothing but a ghost visited the club that night, it is simply impossible to assume.


Africa Time Aircraft

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