Phantom Battles

Most ghosts are believed to be attached to the place where they (that is – the people they once were) took premature, often painful death. And if they died there several hundred or even thousands of people, then the appearance of whole hordes of ghosts. This happens, as a rule, in areas bloody battles. And then, after dozens, or even hundreds of years, the witnesses with amazement and horror watch the battles of ghostly soldiers, which again and again converge in a deadly battle …

PhantomPhotos from open sources

Not a mirage, but a new battle. The phenomenon of ghosts battles known since antiquity. Antique authors report appearances on the field near the Marathon, where in 490 BC Greeks defeated the Persians, a large number of ghosts who lead between themselves a fierce battle. This vision periodically arose in for several centuries, and thousands of people have observed it, including even the Roman emperor Hadrian (2nd century AD), who specially came to those parts to personally see the amazing a sight. Such battles could be called mirage (so, for example, says Professor A. Gurvich), if the ghostly warriors in accuracy reproduced the course of the battle. But this is precisely what is big doubts. Of course, witnesses of those real battles a long time ago already dead, but it seems that ghosts act completely independently. For example, a ghostly battle units of Prince Rupert with the troops of Oliver Cromwell (the battle itself occurred in 1643 near Edgill, in England) in the same place they saw a month after the battle (and see from time to time to so far). The “phantom” of the battle showed a completely different move towards battles (though with the same end result). About it the king’s officers who saw the ghostly battle were told real fight. They claimed in their reports that they recognized in the ghosts of their fallen comrades, and also heard screams, rumble guns, drumming, armor rattling. Turns out that phantom armies converge like real, living armies, and the battles between them are actually being played again! What is it in earth and sky Visions of some “phantom” battles have a history of several hundred years. For example, the inhabitants of Jonah (England) talk about the ghostly rooks of the Vikings, from which on ghostly warriors in horned helmets land on the shore and enter battle with ghostly monks. But it is especially rich in messages about The phenomenon of new and recent history. In the Stretchclide district Scotland was witnessed several times by numerous witnesses the movement of a large army, which was completely dissolved in the air. At the town of Sedgemoor (England), starting from the XVII century, occur ghostly battles related to the war between parliament and the king. IN The cumbrian region of wales has been repeatedly seen translucent cavalry army with medical carriages. Residents of the town of Verviers (Belgium) a week after the Battle of Waterloo was observed in the sky fierce battle between the French and anti-Napoleonic troops coalitions. In 1848, there were dozens of eyewitnesses at Dofine near Vienna noticed something unimaginable over the treetops – it was an army of many thousands marching, as the then newspapers wrote, air and going somewhere to heaven. In 1888 in the area villages of Varasdin (Croatia) for almost a whole day ghostly horse detachments, spreading panic, moved both on the ground and along to the sky. One of the most impressive “phantom” battles takes place at times in the United States near the city of Sheiloch (Tennessee). During Civil War, in April 1862, here for two days killing more than 20 thousand people. Six months later, the inhabitants of the town began to report a ghostly battle that was not only visible but also heard. Since then, reporters, photographers and researchers trying to fix the “Sheyloh ghosts”, however, quality it was not succeeded to receive pictures yet. Our time is not exception Phantasmagoric visions are observed in our time, as evidenced by numerous reports eyewitnesses. In the early winter of 1951, early in the morning on the road to Lethem (England), Mrs. Elizabeth Smith barely escaped a serious accident: her the car drove down the icy road right into the ravine. Leaving the car, the woman decided the remaining eight miles to go home on foot. Suddenly on the road she saw a group of people with torches. They are not paid attention to her. Mrs. Smith noticed that they lean over the bodies of the slain and carefully examine them. According to the woman, the whole scene lasted no more than ten minutes, but during this time she managed to clearly see their clothes, similar to vestments ancient Saxons. Experts interested in her case came to the conclusion that she, apparently, became a witness to the ghostly scenes after the battle between the british and anglo-saxons that occurred on this place in 685 and is known as the “Battle of Nachansmir.” Something similar is observed around the world, and Russia, in whose territory there were many bloody battles, there is no exception. Here message received in 1990 by the commission for the study of abnormal phenomena “Phenomenon”: “In childhood, before World War II, I saw a “battle in heaven”, – writes a resident of the city of Prokopyevsk Kemerovo region Alexandra Vasilievna Ushakova. – In the evening at 10 hours we walked with an aunt from the bath. I looked at the sky and cried out from fright. There riders chopped and stabbed each other with sabers giant horses. The terrible battle took place in complete silence and as if in slow motion … Aunt, looking up, only stronger squeezed my hand and hastened a step. I could not sleep at night, I once again went out, but the sky was clear. I’ve never seen again nothing like this. I read a lot, looking for an answer to my riddle. But in vain. Maybe someone else watched that heavenly battle? ” Warring ghosts of Stalingrad. Especially often. ghostly soldiers are seen in Volgograd, where they died during the war thousands of soldiers. For example, near Volgogradsky State University, located next to the famous The bald mountain on which there were fierce battles is constantly found dark-faced soldier in a tattered burned overcoat and with a bandaged by hand. In the evenings, he comes to belated passers-by and asks light up a cigarette and then disappears. In the Dzerzhinsky district of the city is a large burial place of the Germans killed during the Battle of Stalingrad. IN the end of the 80s, local youth often went there to “dig” graves hoping to find some valuable things. Usually these excavations were made late in the evening or at night; “diggers” are not even the stories of ghosts that appeared in those places scared. A typical case occurred in the summer of 1988. Moonless hazy at night one of the “diggers” went for a walk and did not return. Found it only in the morning, but in such a condition that I had to urgently carry him to a psychiatric hospital. Only a couple of days later, a young man He said that he witnessed a night battle, and not just a battle, but bayonet attack. According to the “digger”, he found himself in the winter ruined city; around him in complete silence burst grenades, German and Soviet soldiers died … Battles invisible There are also reports of invisible but very noisy battles. In the early morning of August 4, 1951, two English women vacationing in a seaside village a few miles from Dieppe (France), were awakened by the sounds of gunfire, the roar of the cannonade and the bombing. All this lasted about 50 minutes. The battle was undoubtedly boiling somewhere on the coast, most likely in the port. However, soon everything calmed down.

Photos from open sources

After asking locals later, the women were surprised to learn that the battle really wasn’t, and that the villagers heard it quite often, they even stopped paying attention to it. Coming back to England, the tourists sent a report on what happened to London Society for Mental Research. Members of the Society by viewing records of hostilities in those places established that the beginning phenomenon coincides in time with the first shots of Canadian and British soldiers attacking in the early morning of August 19, 1942 German port of Dieppe occupied. Of the six thousand people who took participation in the battle, which lasted four and a half hours, four thousands were killed or injured. … It’s quite difficult to definitely answer the question: why are there such visual and auditory hallucinations, and is it hallucinations? Of course exclude that these are imagination beyond the reach of impressionable people. But there is too much evidence, and to reject them all is not it turns out … “Secrets of the twentieth century. Golden series” No. 8 2011

War time

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