Phantom – information keeper

The theory of phantoms in our environment is far from new. Ghosts or ghosts are also commonly referred to as phantoms.

Sometimes people see such formations quite clearly, in rare cases can observe themselves. But such phantoms are not real beings, most likely they can be called holograms or imprints of human consciousness, for a number of reasons surviving on earth after the death of the physical body the owner.

Phantom - the keeper of informationA photo from open sources

Similar energy counterparts are often tied to a specific the place where they draw strength for their existence. Phantom – it is something non-existent, but at the same time tangible. Even in official medicine there is a definition of “phantom pain”, when after amputation a person for months at that and years feels pain or itching at the site of a non-existent limb.

Recently, after receiving experimentally sound data, science approaches the study of phantom phenomena more thoroughly, meaning by phantoms not only by chance the formed bioenergy structures, and integral parts living organisms formed in special, not yet studied by us fields. The existence of such fields (in addition to electromagnetic and gravitational) predicted by Einstein, and the famous astrophysicist N.A. Kozyrev suggested that these are time fields. For this inappropriate the idea of ​​a scientist, like many dissenters in the 30s of the last century, was repressed, but after amnesty resumed his research.

Kozyrev proved the existence of invisible fields as follows experience: the telescope lens was closed with a lid that did not allow shine. But when the telescope was directed at the light of the stars, installed nearby devices recorded the presence of some waves. Then telescope set towards the star, light from which still came to us, but the star itself has already gone out millions of years ago.

A photo from open sources

Invisible fields were recorded. Then calculating the location stars in the sky, which it will take in millions of years, sent the telescope there – and the fields were fixed again. But it was worth point the telescope to the place where the star has never been and never it must be – the mysterious fields were not captured. That is the whole information about objects in the universe was laid down initially. And she necessarily included the past, present and future.

This idea is far from new, because the predetermination factor has reflected in all the oldest religions of the world. Many scientists, including including professor Gennady Dulnev, relying on theory relativity, they say not about time fields – but about torsion fields. That is, space, with the ability to curvature, can form the so-called tori (vortices) that can store and transfer information in space from one end of the universe to the other, and energy consumption does not occur.

Now again about the phantoms. Studying unknown fields, researchers faced with their amazing feature: it turns out, recorded in the fields, the information concerns not only material objects, but also intangible – about those very entities that are scientifically called phantoms, but in a simple “undead” or “demons.”

A photo from open sources

Many probably heard that each person has two opposite adviser: angel and demon. And if the angel takes place behind the right shoulder (or on it), then the demon is on the left. So Well, experts found that around each body in the universe formed its own information fields with right or left rotation. These phantoms form in these fields – long-lived and self-developing field formations.

And if those on the left act positively (attach sincere elevation, feeling of lightness), then the “right” act depressing, settling anxious and restless feelings. There is an opinion that such phantoms formed by force fields were predecessors of mankind, but then for some reason disappeared, leaving behind all the same field information that sometimes people can perceive.

Now everyone knows that all information about the body recorded in DNA molecules, however, studying these tiny structures, scientists also encountered a “phantom” phenomenon. It turns out some wave formation continues to exist after the death of DNA (or body) for exactly 40 days. And during this period, the phantom can have a very real impact on living organisms!

A photo from open sources

The experiment that led the experts to this conclusion conducted by senior researcher Peter Goryaev. To cell nuclei (where the DNA is contained) were exposed to a laser beam, and with instruments recorded the spectrum reflected by the molecules. For such specialists could then determine the spectral patterns DNA belonging to one or another type of living creature.

Once purely by chance, a clean cell was measured, from which the DNA preparation has already been removed. According to the logic of things, laser the beam should have passed freely through the cuvette, but … the beam “stumbled” about an invisible barrier, and the device recorded characteristic for DNA molecules sinusoid! It turned out that there was still a preparation in the cuvette, although in fact he was not there already.

But that is not all. It turns out molecules of heredity able to “sound”. And if the laser was applied to intact cell nuclei then DNA vibrated at low frequencies. When heating nuclei to a temperature of 40-42 ° C DNA collapsed, and the molecules made sounds at high frequencies – as if the cores were “screaming.” These are the screams of dying DNA and published an empty cuvette. Deciding that she was just poorly washed, the cuvette cleaned, and measured again – the result was the same: in empty the cuvette was a “phantom” of dead DNA.

A photo from open sources

It is noteworthy that by placing intact nuclei in this cell, they they also started to “scream” as if it had been melted with a laser. IN the next 40 days, the device invariably fixed molecules heredity in an empty cell, and only after this period everything returned to normal. Similar results with phantoms already non-existent DNA received in 1990 and a group of American physicists led by Robert Pekora.

According to Peter Goryaev, formed during the experiment the energy phantom carried information about life and death, and somehow could transmit it to living nuclei. After receiving” of this information, healthy nuclei emitted a spectrum very similar to what the dying kernels published. That is, field protection of healthy molecules was damaged, which means that similar phantoms can affect the body as a whole. In particular, a riddle for Ebola virus represents a medical profession, the transmission path of which is very unclear. However, there is an assumption that it may be transmitted wave way. For example, in the fight against some diseases, phantoms of pathogens are formed in the body.

With a high degree of biological activity, these clots energies penetrate the DNA and damage them. As a result begin failures in the normal program, and a picture arises characteristic of that which is observed with the defeat of the Ebola virus, that’s just no viruses and pathogens in a sick person in the body … no. AND paradoxical as it sounds, the body is not fighting causative agent of the disease, and with its phantom. Wave theory can shed light on those inexplicable cases when serious viral diseases such as Ebola or HIV occur without contact with viruses or virus carriers.

The fact that biological objects that made up one whole, interconnected by invisible bonds that reproduce information program of the body, you can see the example myxomycetes – mucous fungi that live on stumps. If on such “mushroom organism” someone comes, then the mushrooms will decay into single cells. So they can live as long as one of cells (dictostelium) does not “signal” what you need come together.

And then all the cells begin to slide into one place, and again build a new mushroom. And even if you put in front of the cells obstacle – they will climb one over the other, but will overcome let. It turns out that all the “unicells” get a picture of the whole organism, and by all means try to renew its appearance.

In the human body, the role of “keeper of information” is assigned pineal gland. Scientists suggest that it is this part of the brain contains holographic data about the body as a whole. Also it is believed that it is the pineal gland that can attract the “field phantom”, in other words, the soul of the unborn child at the time of fertilization.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that those around us the material world is closely interconnected with phantom phenomena, and they play a non-secondary role in organizing life on the planet. Therefore, it is not in vain that many religions say that thought (consciousness) is material, and destructive actions are not destructive not only for the creator of them, but also for the descendants of such a person.

After all, phantoms are essentially information that may not only stored for a long time in the form of holograms – prints, but can rearrange the human genetic apparatus, thereby determining his fate.

Angels Viruses Time Universe Holograms Mushrooms DNA Life Lasers Telescope

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