Phantom silhouette captured at night the trail

Phantom silhouette captured on a night trailPhoto from open sources

23-year-old Englishman Toby, who wanted to keep his secret full name and place of residence, shared with users of “Reddit” awesome shot. The man says that he was returning to Thursday, November 29, from work and walked along a mud trail under lonely lantern. Looking at a certain moment in front of us, our the hero suddenly noticed something strange in the light of a street light. Near the path a translucent pale figure grew.

According to the British, a mysterious whitish silhouette that had vague human shape, hesitated slightly in place, as if stuck between two dimensions. That’s what Toby thought: he became witness the emergence of a native of the subtle world! Our hero got it smartphone and managed once to photograph the anomaly before that scattered in the cold air, like a clot of steam. Surprised the man hastened to go through the green tunnel, near which the alleged ghost materialized, and headed home. There, he immediately uploaded the resulting image to the World the web.

A photo from open sources

Many users of “Reddit” agreed that this is a frame with depicting a phenomenon of supernatural nature. Not without reason they say that the border between our and other worlds has the property thins from time to time, and we get the opportunity to see what is there. It is possible that the inhabitants of the afterlife realities can also observe us at these moments. However, perhaps Toby met the spirit of a restless soul – of those who for some unknown reason linger in our world after death people and from time to time scare people, most likely not even intentionally …


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