Phantom sweet tooth girls got on camera

The phantom of the sweet tooth girl got on cameraPhotos from open sources of

Children, as you know, are very fond of sweets. However many of us probably did not realize that even after death, babies may not leave your taste preferences. At least so claims the owner of a pastry shop in English County Somerset. According to the british, he got a ghost a little girl who, among other things, feasts sweets at night when there are no people in the building.

A photo from open sources

Miles Parker, whose store is located in Taunton, reports that does not ask to take his word for it. An entrepreneur would not loudly declare these supernatural phenomena, if they didn’t get on a surveillance camera a few days ago. The device took two pictures, which clearly captured paranormal activity in a candy store. I didn’t hit the lens just a native of the other world, but also her manipulations with sweets. TO Unfortunately, the video equipment in the store does not remove. Photo like reportedly received at 1:08 a.m.

A photo from open sources

Phantom activity in an old building

The first photo shows a translucent whitish silhouette little girl with curly magnificent hair and in an elegant dress. In the second image, a can of candies is visible, spontaneously soaring in the air. Miles Parker believes that the most common phantom is invisible – then it is he who runs the store. However sometimes the ghost of the baby, apparently, briefly materializes in our world, and one of these moments was captured by the camera.

Shop owner told reporters on the Daily tabloid Star “:

This building was built in the sixteenth century and originally used by the monks of Taunton. Lately we observed here are many inexplicable incidents. We are opening locked doors, occasionally someone’s footsteps are heard in the empty corridor. Every night, a little candy disappears from the store. We first assumed that we got mice, but then it turned out that even from tightly closed cans, candy disappears. If so like the spirit, of course, I do not mind. However, my sellers are very worried and scared. Earlier this month, one girl even quit because of this.

The businessman also remembered what was in this building before him:

Previously, there was a pub for sailors and military. TO we were once visited by their former visitors, who said that in once mysterious things happened to the pub too. For example, mugs themselves fell from the bar, and tables and chairs folded at night in the middle of the hall in the form of a pyramid. But there were adults men hardened by life, and women very often come to us and children. If they notice or feel something in the store strange then rush to leave. This, of course, is bad for business. We may need to seek a specialist to exile this mischievous spirit – a little children’s ghost. Sorry for him a little, but what can you do …

Pyramid Time

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