Photo of a woman who has grown into the floor puzzled Reddit users

The photo of a woman who has grown into the floor puzzled usersA photo from open sources

A user of the famous entertainment resource “Reddit” under the pseudonym bbiasi published in the site section dedicated to unexplained phenomena, a very mysterious shot, instantly attracted the attention of other regulars of the portal.

This image was in fact inexplicable because no one has yet been able to determine what nature is captured on frame anomalies. Commentators are pushing their versions, supernatural and not very, however, they cannot give an exact answer. Here is what a girl surprised by her find writes:

Me, my mom and sister went recently to relax in Thailand. We stayed at the Pingviman Hotel in Chiang Mai. Somehow In the morning, my sister and I took a picture of my mom in the lobby. None of us noticed nothing unusual in this picture, as in the surrounding us reality during the shoot until we got home and I I did not decide to put the photo in the frame. Having printed it, I unexpectedly I saw a strange woman in the background. She seemed to have grown to the floor knee-deep or had no legs, but still somehow somehow stood on the floor. She reminded me of glitches from video games when a character falls into textures. But how is this possible in real life? Sister did snapshot of the Google Nexus smartphone. We do not remember that during someone else was with us in the lobby hotels.

A photo from open sources

Some users of “Reddit”, having studied the presented frame, felt that he got a real ghost. According to others, it’s about a malfunction of the smartphone’s camera. Third convinced that the phone has nothing to do with it, and actually happened a malfunction in the so-called “Matrix”, in which we all we live. Finally, fourths suggest that the mysterious woman just kneeling however why she did it in the lobby hotel, difficult to say. And how in this case remained unnoticed, even more mysterious? Be that as it may, amazing image continues to collect many comments from regulars of the World Wide Web.

Smartphones Time

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