Photo of the “ghost girl” on the Tenishevs’ estate Bryansk puzzled by the Internet

A photo A photo from open sources

Actual Bryansk Group on VKontakte Social Network recently published the most common, at first glance, snapshot, made back in August 2007.

This image was taken during a school trip to Khotylevo village. It’s amazing that only now the participants of this campaigns, matured for ten years, suddenly noticed in the photograph something strange, namely the girl among whom at the time shooting just could not be.

None of those who participated in this excursion are able to identify a mysterious child. The girl was clearly not from this class, and, most likely, not from this school. Girlfriend to any of she was not present either. Where is she from come from? One would think that he joined the group from idleness some kind of stranger, but isn’t it would teachers see? In addition, an excursion to the Tenishevs’ estate Khotylevo was paid, and such a fare dodger would not have remained unnoticed.

A photo from open sources

Puzzled users of the social network note that the girl looks pretty strange. She has a pale face and dark eyes, and her mouth is unusual twisted. One of the former participants of the trip looked for fun in my old photos and found there my own picture from this activity. He was amazed when he discovered on his a long-time shot the same girl with a distorted mouth! Not difficult to guess that after that the Bryansk people all one talked about ghost.

It is worth noting that the interesting village of Khotylevo exists at least from the seventeenth century and hides many secrets. It is believed that a ghost can be met at the Tenishevs’ estate Princess Maria Klavdievna, who moved here to live after how sick jaundice. Phantom of this noblewoman, according to eyewitnesses, looks like a translucent figure of female outlines, sliding along princely ruins and dissolving in the air just as unexpectedly as it materializes – practically from nothing.

A photo from open sources

But the ghost of a girl in a light shirt is never here before. did not hear. However, skeptics believe that this is not a native of of the next world. In their opinion, the appearance of someone else’s child on a tour the photo can certainly be explained rationally, but after a whole a decade this is no longer possible. Moreover, the alleged ghost immediately hit at least two pictures, and this already seems suspicious to many. On the other hand, there are such an assumption that a ghostly phantom appeared on both photos only these days. Esotericists say that it is quite perhaps. The question is different: why did the afterlife need it? the world? ..

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