Photographed twice in a Canadian fort ghost with a strange face

A ghost with a strange face was photographed twice in a Canadian fortA photo from open sources

Fort George, located in a Canadian town Niagara-on-the-Lake is considered one of the most populous the ghostly places of the Maple Leaf Country. It was built in 1802 year to provide housing for local military, Aboriginal warriors and representatives of the British army. Massive fortification consisted of guard buildings, roadblocks, hospital, canteens and barracks.

A photo from open sources

The fort was surrounded by a dry moat in order to protect it from the Americans. Unfortunately, no protective measures helped the fortress – in May 1813 years, she was attacked and destroyed by the United States Army. IN during the Anglo-American War of 1812-1815 there were many bloody battles, and Fort George also fell a lot losses and casualties. It is believed that in this place the spirits of Canadian American, British, and Native American soldiers killed during “Second US War of Independence.” Today it is located here a museum.

Phantoms of Fort George

Fort George’s ghost search is no easy task, since the reinforcement is simply colossal in size. Some constructions extend along the entire length of the fortress, and almost each of such buildings has its own unique phantoms. Choose any the building here, and he’ll probably have a couple of mystical legends confirmed by a large number of eyewitnesses here paranormal.

Researchers of supernatural phenomena pay great attention to the roadblocks of the fort. Here you can hear quiet nights steps, and sometimes even see the one who makes those sounds. His called the High Man. The ghost is really tall, thin and has a European appearance. He has thin gray hair and big bald head. Tall Man has the habit of following and even running after people, so many people describe meetings with him, to put it mildly, not too positive.

A photo from open sources

Another famous local phantom is called Man in White. It is a quiet and peaceful spirit that sometimes materializes above. a random bunk bed in one of the huts. Come from graves slowly escorts the living with a sad look and then just evaporates in the air. And in the former hospital you can meet a ghost mischievous boy who loves tugging visitors for clothes and stroke their hair.

The ghost in the officer’s apartment

According to Ghostbuster Dana Matthews, Officer Fort George’s apartment is also very mysterious, although often overlooked ghostbusters place. Here a mirror hangs on the wall, in which, according to the stories witnesses, sometimes a reflection of a beautiful young woman with wavy blond hair. It is believed that this is a wife’s phantom the general. He was nicknamed the Spirit of the Gilded Lady.

A photo from open sources

Having recently visited Fort George, Matthews unexpectedly made there are two amazing pictures that depict presumably the same anomaly is a person with disproportionately elongated oval face. First photo the researcher received by removing the very mirror in the dark, once owned by a general’s wife. In a mysterious shot you can clearly see the face looking directly into the lens cameras.

A photo from open sources

The second image was also obtained in the officers apartments. Dana took a picture of the window, and subsequently noticed in this picture a man with a similarly elongated head. True, the author of these photos believes that this is still not about a ghost spouses of the military leader. Having carefully examined the second image, Matthews felt that a man’s phantom was imprinted on him soldier uniform. Although the photograph is relatively fuzzy, a face with dark eyes and a mouth is visible on it, as well as shoulders, arms and body of a ghost.

It is worth noting that immigrants from the other world here repeatedly documented before, so the pictures of Dana Matthews will be a great addition to the museum’s photo collection dedicated to the incorporeal inhabitants of Fort George.

War of the Mirror

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