Photos from open Sources Representatives of the American Police Department the city of Marana in Arizona posted on the Internet a short an audio recording where you can hear an unexpected bonus in the form of voices, presumably from the other world.
Audio posted by police on the official page department on Facebook, a week has been done back, July twenty-seventh. It is part of the conversation, which occurred between night patrols by radio. File lasts only thirty-five seconds. At nineteenth second you can hear a terrifying voice that none of the officers could to explain. Law enforcement officers wrote: “Listen to this anomaly, which we managed to record during a night talk on the walkie-talkie. Could this be a ghost? What did he say?”
Despite the fact that the otherworldly voice spoke very quickly and inaudible, regulars on the World Wide Web have put forward several versions. Some users thought the ghost said “Stop.” talking to me “, that is,” Stop talking to me. “Many commentators heard the mysteriously ominous “Oh god, you’re doing it”, which translates as “Oh my god, you do it.”
Station technician responsible for setting up and repairing a policeman equipment, examined the walkie-talkie and came to the conclusion that they are completely serviceable. “I suppose it was interference caused by an outsider presence on the frequency, possibly otherworldly voices, “- concluded specialist.