Poltergeist is opposed to a child

Poltergeist is against the childPhotos from open sources of

They say that poltergeist is attached not only to the territory, that is, to a certain apartment or house, often his addiction manifests itself to a specific person. Moreover, the object of this “attention” can even become a baby.

This is exactly what happened to the young mother from the United Theisy Brooks Kingdom, in whose house appeared an evil spirit, more than anything else, a one-year-old child got from him – the son of a girl. And if an adult poltergeist scares, rattles and knocks utensils, moving furniture (even at night), then a little boy he gets numerous bumps, flip flops and scratches from which he cries almost constantly.

Twenty-year-old Briton with her seething energy has repeatedly appealed to specialists and carried out in the house lighting, exile procedures demon through exorcism sessions and so on but drive away the evil she didn’t succeed. Moreover, as Brooks herself claims, everything these rites only further embitter the poltergeist and he begins literally harass the residents of the house. For example, he recently scratched so Teisi herself, that real cuts appeared on her back, as if from the claws of a cat.

The British are already considering leaving the damned house to their to parents, however, keeps her warning specialists that an evil spirit can follow the baby: after all, he appeared soon after the birth of a baby. Therefore teisy is seriously thinking about sessions exorcism over the son. If this does not help, then she doesn’t even know what should she do …

Having posted this video on the World Wide Web, as writes Mirror edition, the girl hopes that in the world there is someone who faced with something similar and who was able to overcome the otherworldly evil power.

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