April 27, 2013 to the group “Irkutsk-Kosmopoisk”, practically with tears in her eyes, a pensioner Lyudmila Petrovna turned to her apartment has been poltergeist for about two weeks now. how managed to find out unexplained phenomena started in her apartment approximately April 11-12, 2013 with unexpected and repeated the appearance of many bugs on her head, in her hair. Last episodes with the movement of objects were already personally recorded Cosmopoisk experts on Monday April 29th. I managed to find out that the poltergeist active phase began on Monday, April 22nd, and, apparently continues to the present moment. The beginning major events, traditionally preceded by a “precursor phase”, which was expressed in a series of breakdowns: the refrigerator broke down, burned out kettle, alarm crashed. Photos from open sources
Also a pensioner, and later researchers, was it’s been noticed that all abnormal events occur only then when her 8-year-old granddaughter Katya is in the apartment. Big some episodes occur in the morning, from about 8:00 a.m. to 13:00.
A photo from open sources
Initially, a woman began to seek a rational explanation, and she suspected Katya’s granddaughter in this “prank”. But when after a week, April 22, in the apartment began active movements and throws subjects, for Lyudmila Petrovna it became obvious that all this some supernatural power must govern. 5 days (from 22 to April 26) there were about 15 poltergeist episodes: to grandmother with the granddaughter of the invisible man threw earth, pens and rubber bands; in the hall flower pots and huge boxes with seedlings; in the bathroom and in the kitchen periodically began to appear puddles; bouncing bottles and decanters poured over a pensioner and Katya water by themselves the taps in the bathroom opened and closed on bow tied tights and cord from the iron, etc. Expert Irkutsk-Kosmopoisk group managed to visit several times already poltergeist apartment: April 27 and 29. At the second visit, 29 April, when Katya was in the apartment, in the presence of researchers 6 poltergeist episodes occurred. It is interesting to note that all they occurred in the range from 19:30 to 20:00 when the group turned off CCTV system and was about to leave. First in the hall “noisy spirit” began to throw eraser when researchers began to leave the apartment in their direction on the staircase a penny flew from the apartment, a pair of shoes, a metal a spoon for shoes. Everything else, a witness to recent episodes became a randomly passing neighbor. In some episodes the researcher managed to fix the end of the movement of objects. So, for example, it was noticed that one of the gum flew along a steep parabolic trajectory. That evening, after the group left, within 20 minutes the “noisy spirit” continued its outrages – in the kitchen a jug of water and a glass vase were dropped, with a mop on Katya hit her head.
The consequences of the activity of the “noisy spirit” in the presence of Researchers “Irkutsk-Kosmopoisk” Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
At this stage, from the studies carried out by the group, The following provisions are known. Granddaughter Katya shows all the signs “focal face.” In the moments of poltergeist manifestation she rule: temperature rises (once even up to 420), starts headache and poor eyesight. Since the outbreak of poltergeist redness began to appear on the localized body. Throughout all the activity of the phenomenon, Katya is in contact with a certain “little evil man, “who takes responsibility for all the leprosy. He calls himself “BATH” and looks like a gnome or a brownie (by at our request, Katya, depicted him on paper). As Katya notes, unexplained incidents occur not only at the grandmother’s house, but also at school, which gives rise to conflicts with both classmates and teachers.
Katie’s picture of the creature of the bathhouse, which creates ugliness in the apartment grandmothers Photos from open sources
Katya’s communication with “Bani” is both verbal and peculiar. telepathic nature. Often he predicts to her that will happen. In particular, the fact that he himself is going to be “learned”. So “Bani” was well aware that they would come on April 29 researchers will install cameras and measure with instruments. Conducted psychological tests and a doctor’s assessment of Katya’s condition showed hidden psychological conflicts in the girl. Katya herself happy smart girl, prone to fantasies. Instrumentation Measurements for different days showed that changes in characteristics high-frequency electromagnetic field (50 MHz – 3 GHz) turned out to be almost doubled when Katya was in the apartment. Moreover, a localized electromagnetic anomaly was detected in the area a hall from the area of which the main throws of objects took place. The difference between the days in this place affects more dramatically, so in terms of “energy density” is 63 times. System installation CCTV and stationary video cameras have not yet brought clarity, “Baths” defiantly refused to show himself at the cameras. Also it is important to note that poltergeist flows along a fairly classic scheme (even very classic): a clearly defined phase change, the presence of a pronounced focal face in the face of the child with all characteristic symptoms, diverse, reasonable nature of the episodes. The Irkutsk-Kosmopoisk expert group continues to study this interesting case. At this stage, the group considers 3 hypotheses explaining what is happening:
A purely materialistic, natural solution to the psychophysical problems i.e. the girl purposefully introduces grandmother and researchers misleading, staging all episodes – basic, working hypothesis. The “trigger” hypothesis – suggests that poltergeistically determined psychokinesis can occur due to the abilities of the “bearer,” in this case, Katie, somehow to manipulate energy sources and redirect convert large quantities of it into psychokinetic actions. Supernatural hypothesis – assumes assumption of influence alien non-human reason (in the person of “Baths”) in the process poltergeist and in communication with Katya, as a focal face, with all the resulting psychological effects.
Initially in quality by a basic, working expert group accepted materialistic, natural hypothesis.
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