Poltergeist palm burned his chest Novorossiysk

Poltergeist palm burned the chest of the NovorossiyskPhoto from open sources

In Novorossiysk, in one of the apartments on Isaev Street, constantly various inexplicable events occur: in the middle of the night turns on light, the equipment starts to work, the doors spontaneously open. All signs that a poltergeist wound up in the house.

The other day, evil spirits did the fact that the owners of the house, already accustomed to the tricks of the ghost, plunged into a real shock and made you worry about your safety. Poltergeist left on spouse’s chests are real burns.

According to current residents, frightening events began for two years back when they moved to the apartment. The apartments were surprisingly cheap, although the former owners casually mentioned that, Despite fully functional wiring, light bulbs and appliances can turn on sometimes on their own.

A month later, residents began to think that in the rooms where no one no, quiet steps are heard. Sometimes the couple lay in the bedroom at night, and the door of the room suddenly opened, as if someone had opened it with that side to look inside. And once their cat was locked by an unknown force between the window frames and sat there, probably all day until the owners returned from work.

The other day a man went to the bathroom in the morning and found on his chest burn. The wife looked at him and cried out – the burn had clear outlines of the human palm.

Now the couple are trying to sell the apartment in which they live poltergeist. This is unlikely to be difficult, because these days few people truly believe in paranormalism, and there are even those who sincerely believe and, nevertheless, wish to settle with her.

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