Rainy ghost terrifies residents Welsh town

Rainy ghost terrifies the inhabitants of the Welsh townA photo from open sources In the town of Lojarn, located in Welsh County Carmartenshire, reports of a ghostly figure appear, who wanders in the rain and gets caught up by rare passers-by, turning out on the street in bad weather. According to the local journalist, more than ten people have already witnessed this supernatural phenomena.

In total, in the village in southwest Wales, there is an order three thousand people. In such a small commune, similar news fly away very quickly.

According to seventeen-year-old Annette Durden, she along with her friend decided to take a walk in the rain in a local park, and there young people noticed on the bench a lonely pale figure who was sitting absolutely motionless. Teenagers thought it was some kind of haze or steam from the sewer grate and calmly passed by. Then it seemed to them that the silhouette has the shape of a thin tall man. When friends left, the figure, according to their words, rose from the bench and quietly sailed after them, forcing the young people to set off.

Seventy-year-old Andrew Hanmore, who went downpour for groceries, also met with a ghostly passerby. Phantom the figure stood near the lamppost and slowly moved from places when a pensioner was on the same side of the street as she. According to the man, he fully believes in the afterlife and ghosts, however, guests from the next world are not afraid. “When a man is dead, his already there’s no reason to be afraid, “said the elderly Briton.

The most frightening ghost encounter thirty-five-year-old Elizabeth Reeves who looked out in rainy evening from the window of her house and saw a whitish silhouette on the lawn. The ghost, as the woman assures, immediately went to the entrance and froze near him. At night, hearing the handle of the front door on the ground floor spins slowly, Reeves called the police. Guards law enforcement, arrivals on call, anyone near the house or inside they did not find him.

The center of Lokharn has many buildings of the Georgian era. IN in the suburbs of the village you can find many old villas. Near the city are also the ruins of the famous castle of Lojarn. Among other architectural attractions is also worth name the church of St. Martin built in the thirteenth century, City Hall and boat house of a Welsh poet and playwright Dylan Thomas It is possible that in a town with such a rich history indeed a real ghost could have started. Ghost rain ..

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