Restless heads and skulls

Restless heads and skullsPhotos from open sources

Esoterics, magicians and sorcerers claim that it is the head of a person serves as a connecting thread between physical reality and the world dead, that’s why every occult master tries to have this magic attribute is at his disposal. Sometimes heads and the skulls of the dead, for some unknown reason, themselves remain strong communication in our world and begin to bring living people a lot of trouble, troubles, and even serious problems.

Stubborn head

For example, in British North Yorkshire in 1598 it was strongly beaten by robbers Anna Griffith, who, dying after several days, expressed a strange wish that her head should not be laid in the coffin, but left in the walls of his native home. However, Anna’s relatives considered this request the nonsense of a dying girl and therefore buried her to the cemetery, as befits all other deceased. However after it became terrible to live in the house, because at night it rang out strange noises, knocks, moans and other damn things. Sisters of the deceased had to exhume Anna’s body. To their amazement, her head lay in the coffin separately and venomously smirked.

A photo from open sources

When the head was returned to the house, the former silence reigned in it and order, and no one disturbed them at night, did not disturb household members. But over time, the Boynton family acquired the house. which was discovered in his hall a mysterious skull. Well thing they hastened to get rid of such cohabitation. However immediately after of this, a ghost of a woman appeared in the house, which is in earnest began to scare all household members. I had to return the skull to its former a place. And then the ghost disappeared …

The new owner of this old mansion also encountered this a problem. And although he was told a terrible story about an angry a ghost, a man decided to do trickier: he left the skull in house, but hid it behind the brickwork of the wall. It seems that this not quite what the once-dead Anna wanted, but because the ghost reappeared in the house. True, now he didn’t really bother the tenants, because he visited them only once a year, just before the day of death slain.

Permanent residence of the head in the castle

Even more mysterious in this regard is the story with the head of Moreas Castle France. During the French Revolution in 1791 on the Marquis Jean-Pierre de Moreas was executed by a guillotine. One of the devotees for some reason his servants picked up the severed head of his master and hid her in the attic of the castle. Only in 1860 this already had time mummified head discovered here by the descendants of the Marquis. They are they betrayed her to the land in compliance with all church canons and rites. However, at night in the vicinity of the castle a real storm broke out, through three days it was replaced by a series of fires and other natural disasters. Cataclysms continued until someone connected them with the marquise’s buried head. As soon as they dug it and returned to the attic, everything stopped.

A photo from open sources

However, in 1894, the new owner of Moreas Castle, while still atheist, decided to get rid of the skull in the most barbaric way: he asked the acquaintance of the captain to simply drown him in the sea. Such a rash step cost an ungrateful life: the very next day, as the skull was “expelled” from the castle, its new owner fell from the horse and broke his neck. However, the captain did not have time to drown the marquise’s skull Jean-Pierre de Moreas, the ghost of the deceased appeared to his cabin demanded to put taken in place. They say that mysterious the skull was then stored for a long time in the attic of Moreas Castle – until the disappearance of this structure from the face of the Earth …

Accurate diagnosis to the patient – thanks to the skull

The famous Russian psychiatrist A. Tokarsky once told his friend Dr. Streltsov no less remarkable case concerning human skull. In 1890, while in Leipzig, Tokarsky accidentally met a famous German doctor Herzfield, who became famous for being able to make an accurate diagnosis to anyone to the patient.

Tokarsky himself could not understand what he liked of Herzfield, but he allowed him to attend the sessions at which the doctor immersed patients in a hypnotic dream, then laid them on their knees some ancient skull. And this skull immediately began to speak, giving the smallest details about life, including illnesses patient, gave recommendations on how to treat body diseases and even called the exact date of death of the patient.

Today, Dr. Herzfield and his method for diagnosing patients almost unknown, however, as claimed in his memoirs Sagittarius, the psychiatrist Tokarsky was not one of those who could do something come up with or even speculate. He was a very serious scientist, and therefore it is quite possible to believe him. The sessions described by him are only confirm the words of magicians and sorcerers that the human skull – connecting thread between the physical and the afterlife.

A life

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