Photo from open sources
At Ripley’s English castle, amazing things happen that suggest certain thoughts. For example, not so long ago the owner of this the mysterious “haunted house” Thomas Ingilby suddenly discovered that disappeared in 2014 silver coins worth more ten thousand pounds and antique candlesticks, again appeared in the castle.
Moreover, all these things and values were where they were looking for many times, looked for professionals – insurance agents, after which last year, Ingilby received monetary compensation for them. And so, it turns out now that he cheated the insurance company. Castle owner at first didn’t even know what to do, but hastened to report on strange find in the appropriate authorities, and then reimbursed insurer losses. Here is what he says:
This miracle is not the first time at Ripley Castle. IN their time in the same mysterious way disappeared set of dining silver, and six months later it was found in the same place where he was always kept. All living in this “haunted house” are of the opinion that the ghosts of two children who died in this castle under mysterious circumstances. It’s believed that their restless souls lingered here and now occasionally play pranks, and very original, it should be noted …
A photo from open sources
Researchers of paranormal phenomena, having studied the “tricks” ghosts of Ripley’s castle came to an interesting conclusion: ghosts have the ability to move objects in time, because the assumption that they take material things into their subtle the afterlife, and then returned from there, will be even more fantastic. And therefore it can serve one more proof that a time machine is in principle possible. After all, here mischievous ghosts somehow know how to do this …
Time Time Machine