The twelfth day of November is the day of St. Zenobius and the holiday of hunters. At this time, in cold regions, fortune seekers went along the northern rivers for prey, therefore, on the day of the patron saint of hunters, their fellow villagers solemnly saw them off. The celebration continued on November 13th. Folk omens for November 12 are associated with the observation of birds and animals, which, by their behavior, predicted the weather and the outcome of the fishery.
What awaits you in the near future
Signs of successful fishing all year round: on Zinovy's day, the hunter must catch a hare, and the fisherman must catch a red fish. This will bode well.
Other signs for November 12:
- Snow powder (snow falls in the form of grains) – severe frosts are approaching.
- To see a pack of wolves – next year promises to be hungry;
- To see a hare crossing the road – misfortune awaits the one who follows this path;
- To meet a wolf on the way is a harbinger of great trouble;
- Hare during the meal on this day gives the girls beauty, attracts many fans.
See also what animals predict the weather.
Sign by date of birth: November 12 is the day of birth of meek people with a pure soul, their talisman is chrysolite.
The day of November 12 is also called 'Sinichkin Day'. The name of the saint 'Zinovy' is consonant with the popular name of the yellow-breasted bird – 'zinki'. And mid-November is the time of arrival of forest birds (tits, bullfinches, waxwings, jays). While waiting for the birds, people made feeders; on November 12, they hung them up. By feeding the birds, the peasants hoped to bring good luck to the house. Signs associated with titmouses and other forest birds:
- A titmouse flew into the yard – there will definitely be happiness;
- Many tits have appeared – a harbinger of approaching severe frosts;
- The titmouse is worried, biting the bark of trees – rainy weather will soon set in;
- The bullfinch whistled – to frost;
- Loud chirping of tits – to clear weather;
- Singing tits in the morning – portends frost at night.
Rites, customs and beliefs
On Zinoviev's day, each hunter had to go into the forest and hunt a hare, which foreshadowed a successful hunt for the next year. The fishermen took this task very seriously – they did not spare either horses, or dogs, or their own strength in the pursuit of the 'oblique'. The first hare caught was called the 'birthday boy'.
Hunters are very superstitious people who adhere to traditions and perform rituals. An old Russian custom is an agreement with a devil about protection from dangers and rich prey. Before the hunt, the hunter stopped at the edge and promised the owner of the forest to behave well. This meant: not to destroy herbs and bushes, not to kill too many animals, to spare females with offspring and other promises. If a person broke his vow, he lost the disposition of the devil – he could confuse tracks, intimidate, and do a lot of other things.
If the hunter has to meet a crowd of smartly dressed 'colleagues', he should run away from them, because according to legend, these are devils or restless souls of poor fellows stuck in a quagmire.