A photo Swiss scientists have discovered from open sources areas of the brain that allow a person to feel supernatural presence near you. Ambitious research results Europeans were published in the scientific journal Current Biology. ”
According to Giulio Rognini, principal researcher in this experiment, a sensation of paranormal phenomena is characteristic, in the first turn, mentally unhealthy people. Also similar hallucinations can occur in healthy individuals in various extreme situations, such as climbing or deep sea diving.
At the swiss federal institute of technology was made magnetic resonance imaging of the brain of twelve people, suffering from neurological diseases. Each of the experimental claimed that he was visited by ghosts. Some were bothered by the souls of the dead relatives, others complained about the presence of unknown phantoms.
It turned out that all patients had damaged areas in temporoparietal, parietal-frontal and island cortex brain. These areas are responsible for controlling the body in space, coordination of movements and self-awareness.
After that, scientists brought to the laboratory forty-eight healthy Subjects who have never complained of a collision with paranormal. Specialists changed the neural signals coming in to the above areas of the brain. Every healthy participant is tied eyes and offered to control a mechanical hand, touching up to their backs.
If the robot exactly copied the movement of volunteers, they are entirely perceived a push in the back as a result of their actions. However, if the action of the mechanical arm was delayed, about thirds of the participants felt as if someone had touched them other.
Scientists have decided that the brain of a person who senses the presence of ghosts makes mistakes in determining the location and position of the body in space, resulting in takes his own mortal shell for someone else’s body. The brain creates the second coordinate system and signals that next to someone else is located.