Photo from open sources
It seems until recently, such a definition as a selfie, was nobody familiar. But with the advent of gadgets with quality cameras, this the concept somehow quickly entered our life and turned even into a temptation for millions of Internet users who thanks to selfies they can now easily in their accessibility – assert oneself.
Selfie becomes a disease of the century
I took a funny picture of myself – and on the Net. However in the pursuit of unusual pictures already hundreds of people suffered, and dozens even died as young people today try to outdo each other in a selfie. Who will take a picture of themselves on a crane, who – on the edge of the abyss, who are deep under water. As one remarked psychologist, selfie is already becoming a disease of the century, that is, clearly abnormal phenomenon.
However, the selfie itself proves that this is not only abnormal with from the point of view of the mind, a phenomenon, it can be paranormal, going beyond any logic. No coincidence photos and portraits have always been considered objects occultism.
The selfie below is a self-portrait of a sweet lover a couple whom you can only envy, posted on the network resident Of Asia. Surprisingly, he himself did not even notice that the selfie did not work out as sweet as awesome. When near this creepy photos in which clearly something went wrong flared up in Online controversy (is this a real photo or a fake?), Author of a selfie deleted not only him, just in case, and his Twitter account, where this mystical shot was posted.
A photo from open sources
You can argue hoarsely whether this is a fake or not, and even with a certain desire and the availability of funds to do, say, an examination paranormal shot. But even proving his fake, we don’t will change. Selfie stays outside the normal human logic, because it is always bravado and self-aggrandizement, which is not characteristic of a normal person. And this mystical shot, I think one more warning to self-portrait lovers, filming yourself for all kinds of social networks.
Imagine that the author of this selfie did not fake anything. Like he and his lady hearts feel after such a mystical the continuation of their seemingly innocuous desire to show off love for millions of Internet users? ..