The West Bromwich Pub Manager says that his cell phone was stolen by a ghost. In evidence his man shows a video shot by a camera observations. At 2:30 a.m., 30-year-old Ajay Kokhan came to the drinking room institution where he worked as a manager. A man was sitting at a table studying the documentation, and then went to the bar to to have a word with the pub staff. Your iPhone Ajay left on the seat – at such a late hour the establishment was empty, and there was no one to look at someone else’s good. Back in place manager discovered the lack of a mobile phone, as reported to the bartender and the waitress. Employees searched the premises, but never could find the loss. Then Ajay decided to watch the video from the cameras observations, hoping to make out the kidnapper. But from what he saw, hair on the manager’s head stood on end – something under tablecloth, discreetly took the iPhone. Photo from открытых источников
Фото изOpen Source “It’s just crazy: I saw something grabbed the phone. There was no one in the pub. I cant explain what happened – function not installed on my iPhone vibrating alert, and in general at that moment it was turned off. Everything looked as if an invisible kidnapped my thing, ”he says excitedly a ghost-robbed manager. By the way, on the next morning, the man found his phone at the other end of the hall. This incident is one of a series of inexplicable events: drink house workers say that cctv cameras recorded luminous balls fluttering around the room at night. A a few days after the theft of the iPhone, the ghost broke up – began in a friendly way to pat the attendant pub staff. “When one of us is left alone in the room, then feels touch on his shoulders. I am skeptical about talking about spirits and ghosts, but right now it’s hard for me to keep calmness. Even my dog feels the wrong and refuses go to the cafe. Mysterious incidents led to the fact that one the employee refused to work the evening shift, ”complains Cohan. But the regulars of the pub seem to know whose tricks it is. “The bench with which Ajey’s phone disappeared was Gary’s favorite place Stevens, who died in 1993 from a heart attack. I remember how Gary, who drank after work, said that this was only his place. Strange coincidence, don’t you? ”, The 45-year-old smiles slyly Phil Lambert, who has been a regular customer for 20 years the bar.