Surveillance camera recorded sitting in taxi ghost

The surveillance camera recorded a ghost sitting in a taxiA photo from open sources

On the famous YouTube video hosting site a few days ago a mysterious entry appeared on which perhaps something supernatural.

The date on the video says that the video was received unknown CCTV camera back in 2012. Nonetheless, to date, this material was unknown on the Internet. Some users of the World Wide Web suggest that, perhaps the paranormalism on the record was discovered just now, because the video was uploaded to the Network with so much delay.

The video below shows a man waiting at night. taxi in a semi-deserted parking lot. When the car arrives and the man goes to her, behind him practically from nowhere arises translucent female silhouette with long hair. Alleged the guest from the other world also gets in the car, and the taxi leaves – judging by everything with two passengers instead of one.

Some skeptical commentators argue that it’s on in fact, the wife and girlfriend of the man – they say, the video quality is very low, and before that the woman simply was not noticeable. Other doubters believe that we are talking about video editing.

It is noteworthy that the event captured on the camera is probably happened in a certain asian country. This is evidenced by the appearance men and the fact that the taxi door opened automatically. And in Asia, as you know, ghosts are quite frequent, and they look almost always just like women with long black hair. Interesting, taxi driver noticed an extra passenger in the car or not? Sometimes at such stories are simply fantastic sequels that are more often only the participants of those mystical events about than people try to keep quiet so as not to get into a mental hospital. It’s a shame …

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