Taxi drivers in Japan carry ghosts

Taxi drivers in Japan carry ghostsPhotos from open sources of

After the devastating tsunami and the Great Earthquake, occurred in March 2011, with taxi drivers in Miyage Prefecture (especially the area of ​​the city of Sendai) strange things began to happen – to Ghosts began to get into their cars.

At first it seemed to many the speculation of tired drivers, but such cases began to occur more and more often, and ultimately in the end, rumors of ghost passengers spread throughout prefecture, and then throughout Japan.

I became interested in these paranormal phenomena. researcher Yuke Kudo (Tohoku University), who found several hundred witnesses and direct participants in the mystical events. For example, one taxi driver told her that approximately six months after the disaster, a Japanese woman in gray got into his car a coat, seemingly unremarkable, except for her request – take to the Minamihama area. The fact is that after the tsunami there already no one lived, this is a practically uninhabited place, about which the driver and told the woman not to drive back, as they say empty. To his surprise, from the back seat, where she perched Japanese woman, a trembling exclamation was heard – God, did I die? Taxi driver abruptly turned around at this strange exclamation, however the car was empty, no one was in the back seat.

Another taxi driver told Yuka Kudo that once in his car the young man sat and indicated the delivery address – a mountainous region in Hiyoriyama. The guy just disappeared along the way. He was sitting in the front the seat and the driver saw out of the corner of his eye like a young man literally dissolved in air.

A photo from open sources

Taxi drivers, the researcher notes, are men who are not timid a dozen, but they are scared by such cases, and some express also financial claims to ghosts. The fact is that when in the client sits down the car, the counter automatically turns on in it. how it does not seem strange, in almost all cases with ghosts the meter still turned on, although they were not real people, but phantoms. Therefore, after the disappearance of ghost passengers to drivers I had to pay for their skating from my own pocket.

Recall that a seismic disaster claimed fifteen in Japan thousands of people dead and almost three thousand missing. The latter, of course, no one buried, perhaps the restless the souls of these people are still riding a taxi …

Drivers Japan

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