Photo from open sources
Another sinister snapshot appeared in the Reddit social network section, dedicated to supernatural phenomena. Group of teenagers claims to have photographed the devilry in the house not so long ago friend.
Young people then took some random shots and not even began to look through them, as it was a usual click for the sake of Demonstration of their sophisticated gadgets (who’s cooler). Not less than a couple of days later my nephew noticed these pictures on the phone aunt. The woman was perplexed and immediately wished to find out that depicted in one of them.
A photo from open sources
A frightening photo shows a dark humanoid figure, standing next to a certain girl. Mysterious anthropomorphic silhouette It looks blurry and ephemeral, like some kind of ghost. how it’s easy to guess, teenagers claim that they didn’t see that evening nothing like this. Many participants in this story, as well as the aforementioned aunt considered that they got into the camera’s lens legendary shadow entity widely known in urban folklore.
In other matters, watch and evaluate yourself, especially since such ghosts accidentally come across pictures quite often, superfluous confirming the theory that certain subtle entities (for example, restless souls) are constantly among living people …