The British faced in an old mansion with playful ghost

The British faced in an old mansion with a playful ghostA photo from open sources

Journalists from The Sun spoke with a British woman who asked leave her name incognito, which faced the other day with inexplicable phenomenon: a ghost knocked on her house.

At least it was recorded by a surveillance camera in the shape of a flashing shadow. Here’s what the British told:

That day I was at home doing regular chores, when suddenly … someone knocked on my door private mansion. I went already to open the door, but something of me guarded, and therefore previously glanced at the window from which the porch was visible. To my surprise, near the threshold of the front door There was no one.

I immediately remembered the robberies of private houses, about which were reported by local media, and therefore thought that the robber checks in this way whether there is anyone at home: knocks, and he hide and watch from somewhere. Since i work deputy director of one of the city’s security companies, in my house good video surveillance system, covering just the input Door. I looked at the last recording of the camera and … was horrified. A business that I didn’t find any robber on the video, but on a strange shadow flashed across the brick wall at that time. I immediately I thought about a ghost, and I was a little scared …

A photo from open sources

Then the journalists said from the words of the British that she went neighbors in order to find out if someone was knocking on them like that in a strange way, as if with hooligan intentions, which adolescents often suffer. However, the neighbors are nothing like this. noticed why the woman considered that a ghost by some unknown reason has chosen her house, and now what to do, she didn’t even knows.

The fact that the British lives in a mansion still Victorian era, and moved here recently. And as soon as moved, immediately ran into some oddities of this house, for example, it seemed to her that the old building was somehow negative influenced her memory. So, the hostess could close the book and even remove it, and then it looks – and she is again on the table and even open on the page on which she stopped reading. And so small misunderstandings lately became more and more, and here still this mysterious knock on the door, and the shadow … of a ghost.

Maybe it’s a phantom of a person who once lived here, the woman asks herself? And although no one warned me that I I’m buying a haunted house, in England it happens all the time – old mansions almost all keep some of their mystical secrets about which owners and realtors, most often, do not are spreading …

The British are not going to leave the mansion, which she is very like, because of some kind of ghost, hoping that it is not very aggressive. Maybe it’s a ghost of a child, she suggests, he is too playful. Take at least the same knock on the door …


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