The British filmed a ghost live shadow

The British photographed live a ghostly shadowPhoto from open sources Mysterious shadow was captured by a video camera TV people during the filming of the paranormal show in the English castle of Tatbury, where it is believed to inhabit numerous ghosts.

On a video that the authors posted on the Internet with the aim of foster public interest in the program, you can see the director Becks Palmer, communicating with the infamous English medium Derek Acora. The couple calmly discusses the events that took place. in the castle a few centuries ago, then the girl suddenly screams and points his hand to the side. The operator immediately sends a camera on the wall where you can clearly see the human shadow, which arose there as if by itself. After a few seconds the shadow begins to move along the wall to the left, then disappears. The television team looks scared and confused.

A photo from open sources

Castle curator Leslie Smith later reported that a similar phenomenon other people have seen here before, including her. Woman, a little later watching the video, was delighted, saying that it exactly that silhouette. “He looks like an old man holding on with both palms by the mouth. But this is just one of the ghosts Tatbury. There are actually a lot of them, “said Smith.

Tatbury, located in the village of the same name in the English county Staffordshire is truly famous for its many haunted. It’s said that here on the ramparts are foggy at night you can see a ghostly soldier. In one of the tower windows a white silhouette of a woman appears at night. If alone go down into the castle dungeon, you can hear ominous sighs and sobbing. And many tourists visiting the royal bedroom they assure that they experience incomprehensible fear when they are in it and chills that make them leave the room faster – here are their ghosts, albeit not visible, but so clearly perceptible.

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