The existence of ghosts is refuted by the Big hadron collider or not?

The existence of ghosts is refuted by the Large Hadron Collider or not?A photo from open sources

At a depth of more than a hundred meters on the border of France and Switzerland The Large Hadron Collider is located, the length of the main ring which exceeds twenty six and a half kilometers. European scientists have built this giant to understand nature the basic particles of the universe and also find the keys to hidden secrets the universe. And it is possible that the charged particle accelerator may let me answer the burning question whether there are ghosts.

A photo from open sources

More precisely, English physicist Brian Edward Cox working directly with the Large Hadron Collider, I am convinced that the accelerator has already denied the existence of ghosts. Hard to say, why the eminent scientist suddenly touched on this topic at a recent radio show “BBC”, and that in general, according to Cox, represent come from the next world. But the Briton is adamant in his opinion that if ghosts really had a place to be, LHC I would certainly catch the particles of which they are composed.

Can a LHC catch a ghost?

So a researcher from the University of Manchester believes that the human spirit without which our body is just a mortal shell, should consist of particles, because only in this way can he interact with a completely material body. That is, perhaps Cox does not deny the existence of human souls, however the Englishman does not believe that the soul can reside somewhere by itself, without any shell. And yet it’s strange that the physicist so categorical in his judgment of the impossibility of ghosts, if they did not find the Large Hadron Collider. Like if ghosts exist, then at least one of them must certainly be in collider, and even at the moment when they want to find it Physicists skeptical of him?

A photo from open sources

Some of us may recall alchemy – a specific area natural philosophy, the followers of which, among other things, tried interact with the subtle world through material tools. For example, some French medieval alchemists boiled human blood, trying to see in its vapor ghosts. Do modern scientists adhere to similar views, considering that the other world can be explored with our primitive physical technology?

The Large Hadron Collider has not yet allowed specialists detect many theoretically predicted microobjects starting supersymmetric particles and ending with axions pretending on the role of dark matter. Perhaps the experts have not yet found (and they will not soon find) those particles of which they can consist ghosts? By the way, hypothetical axions considered neutral and extremely light particles do not interact with ordinary matter, and in the presence of electromagnetic fields pass to the state of photons. Some might even suggest that in their own way description, they look suspiciously like ghosts …

Hadron Collider

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