The ghost of a child throws a ball from the stairs on ominous video

The ghost of a child throws a ball from the stairs in an ominous videoA photo from open sources

Paranormal Research Group Phantoms Paranormal from The United Kingdom claims to be lucky capture the video prank of an invisible ghost of a child. Little poltergeist, according to experts, pushed a toy from the stairs the ball.

This happened in early February of this year. British visited one of the haunted houses in the English town South Yorkshire County Wombwell and encountered a mysterious supernatural power. Fortunately, experts easily captured what happened on camera. By turning on the video below, you can see it with your own eyes.

Phantoms Paranormal members say they were asked about the investigation themselves the owners of the house, frightened by inexplicable phenomena in his abode. A family living here for over four years, repeatedly noticed in these walls a ghostly woman and a boy. At night, quiet footsteps and sighs are heard in the house, and objects tend to spontaneously move and fall to the floor, as if in fact, someone else invisible lives in the house.

By the way, on the video received by the researchers, you can also notice a strange anomaly in the form of a shining ball flying along the air. Skeptics say it was just a speck of dust in the light cameras, but our heroes are convinced that we are talking about an orb – an abnormal clot of energy that cannot be caught by the unarmed eye, however, under certain conditions, you can write on the camera.

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