The ghost of a girl killed by her mother fell into CCTV camera lens in the Tver region

The locals are scared and say that this baby’s soul is not может покинуть место своей смерти The ghost of a girl killed by her mother fell into the lens of a CCTV camera in the Tver regionA photo from open sources

In the village of Strelchikha, in the wilderness of the Tver region, the villagers scared by an inexplicable phenomenon that appeared in their area exactly on the day of the Epiphany – January 19.

– Horror, some mysticism, a ghost, not otherwise, – whisper the locals, looking at the video captured by surveillance cameras village tracker Andrei Kochetov. The man lives in solitude, surrounding the perimeter of his house with cameras video surveillance.

The record shows how a man walks along a snowy path, one of the locals, and a second later, from somewhere on the right a luminous, spherical, translucent spot appears. Shifting to the left, a ghostly spot, almost at the speed of a pedestrian, moves along an uneven trajectory and disappears behind the scenes.

The beginning of the recording is a ghost, so far, no, a man is walking along the pathA photo from open sources

The beginning of the recording is a ghost, while, no, a man is walking along the path Photo: Video surveillance recording frame provided by “KP” Andrey Kochetov

– I installed CCTV cameras a long time ago, this is my hobby. When saw a ghost – dumbfounded. The camera is pointing towards my bath, beyond which there are several plots and a forest, – said Andrey “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. – In that forest last October, and was killed three year old girl …

Now Andrei and other locals, peering into the luminous spot, distinguish in it the appearance of a person. – This is darling Gulnara, clean, not may leave us, – the villagers whisper.

A terrible murder occurred in Strelchikha in early October 2012 of the year. A stranger came to the village with a small child. Later investigators find out that it was a 30-year-old nurse from the town Kimry Tatyana Vinnikova with her three-year-old daughter Gulnara.

– I asked for a wait, but we did not let her in, who knows that in a person’s head, – one by one the local people bashfully tell. Only Tatyana allowed her to spend the night with a child Krylova, owner of an extreme house in the village.

“She was strange — her eyes were empty …” Tatyana recalls. – A in the morning she took the girl in her arms and left …

A luminous translucent spot appears on the record, which the locals took for the phantom of the girlA photo from open sources

A luminous translucent spot appears on the recording, which locals took girls for a phantom Photo: Recording frame CCTV provided by KP Andrey Kochetov

The last shots in which Tatyana holding the girl’s hand in wandering the darkness in the village, again captured the camera Andrew Kochetova.

– On the record you can see how she, holding the child’s hand, approaches my gate and looks at the house, then leaves. On the next entry she is already alone, comes back to the house, behaves strangely. Jerks the gate, does not ring, leaves, returns … It’s scary to look at it, – Andrey transfers the records to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Andrei Kochetov sure that he caught a ghost with a video cameraФотоиз open sources

Andrey Kochetov is sure that he caught a ghost with a video camera Photo: Alexey KOSORUKOV

A nurse left nearby – on the outskirts of the forest, 400 meters from villages. There she strangled her three-year-old daughter.

– The woman said that she killed the child because allegedly the girl was sick and she could not contain her alone. Her words are not confirmed – the girl was healthy, – told Komsomolskaya Pravda Head of the Kimra Interdistrict Investigation Department Svetlana Goremychkina. – Talked about some parallel worlds, there is reason to believe that she has mental health not everything is fine.

And so it turned out – a psychiatric examination confirmed the insanity of the killer mother. Frightened Strelchiha residents want call the priest to the village.

– Let the priest bless the place of murder, sprinkle it with holy water, maybe the ghost will never appear again, the villagers hope.

– Someone sees eyes and mouth in a spot, others – small pens and legs, people are scared, ”says Andrei Kochetov. – I spoke with grannies, they claim to have seen this spot several times …

The phantom moves along an uneven pathPhoto from открытых источников

Phantom moves along an uneven path Photo: Recording frame CCTV provided by KP Andrey Kochetov

In that direction, where the camera is aimed, that evening, namely in 23:23 January 19, there were no cars, no people. Dwellers sure that this is a ghost, because a luminous point flew along the road to Baptism, when, according to popular belief, the line between the real and the other world is thinner than ever.

Opinion in favor:

Vladimir Bakushin, folk healer:

– This may be the exteriorization of air molecules, a manifestation spirits. The manifestation of such things, phantoms, is really possible, but we cannot explain this. People are trying to know the world of the invisible the world of the visible. No wonder. Science has not yet come to interpretation of the invisible world.

Cons opinion:

Oleg Zinchenko, editor of KP-Tver:

“I’m more than sure this is a hoax.” Of course, a moving spot cannot be a recording defect – on digital cameras eliminated the appearance of such flaws. But the intervention man – obviously. Since the video is made from a camera monitor observation, it was enough outside the field of view of the camera with something highlight so that the light is reflected in the monitor screen, for example, a cigarette. And then we see what we see – reflection light.

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