The ghost of a mother helped give birth to her daughter

The ghost of a mother helped give birth to her daughterA photo from open sources

The woman who gave birth to the fourth child claims that during her son was born next to her was her late mother. The Brit is convinced that it was the support of the ghost that helped her withstand contractions.

According to Clover Stroud, when she turned 16 years old, her 52-year-old mother Charlotte was the victim of an accident, in resulting in severe physical and moral injuries, and I could no longer take care of myself on my own.

“My memories of my mother are saddened because due to the consequences of that terrible accident she could not play an active role in the lives of their grandchildren, says Clover. – and yet she was the most amazing mother and always with joy met my family – husband and my children Jimmy, Dolly and Evangeline. When her soul left her exhausted body last December, I despaired but tried to seek solace in my children and focused on the fourth small growing inside of me the little man we were waiting for in May. ”

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the woman felt contractions and began to gather in the hospital, reassuring the children with the words that she is not afraid of childbirth, as she knows how to behave.

However, upon arrival at the medical institution, the British realized that her joyful excitement gave way to panic fear.

A photo from open sources

“Burning pain spilled over my body and I panicked, – recognized by clover. – I tried to draw on the experience of previous childbirth: tried to take pain, instead of resisting her. But after the contractions reached a maximum, I felt abandoned and alone despite her husband scampering around me and midwife. I turned to the wall and let loose the tears, when suddenly I felt the presence in the room of a third person and saw my mother. She did not go through the door, but simply appeared in front of me, dressed as before that terrible accident: she was wearing a long denim skirt and the knitted vest I know. ”

The woman claims that with the approach of each fight she looked at her mother, and, seeing her encouraging smile, felt relief.

A photo from open sources

“I wasn’t scared – with her appearance, I felt like the horror that binds me back! she says emotionally. -I am sure that this was not a hallucination – I clearly saw mom standing next to me. Her presence was encouraging and I again felt like a little girl bathing in maternal love A second before the baby appeared, she disappeared just as smoothly, as it appeared. ”

A photo from open sources

Clover was supported by a prenatal mentor with 30 years of experience, Virgil Clarke: “Biologically it can be explained by the release of later endorphins and other hormones that help the woman in labor cope with the pain and stressful.

But at the same time you can’t discount the opportunity getting a woman giving birth to a deep spiritual experience. During of my work I often met women in labor who described strange visions like those told by survivors clinical death people. ”


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