The ghost of a policeman appeared in the house where he died

The ghost of a policeman appeared in the house where he diedPhoto from open sources

A resident of the American city of Abbeville, South Carolina, reports that he may have managed to capture a ghost on camera deceased policeman. According to the man, he visited several days ago, the local notorious home where the family once lived extremists.

December 8, 2003 Arthur and Rita Bixby, as well as their son Stephen opened fire from their home on negotiations with them law enforcement officers. As a result of a long shootout, criminals were neutralized, but they managed to kill two employees police department.

A recent American walking near this place I photographed several times an abandoned one-story building. Returning from a walk, our hero looked through the pictures and suddenly noticed something strange on one of them. The man doesn’t even I immediately believed my eyes.

A photo from open sources

On the dilapidated veranda of the house appeared a mysterious smoky a silhouette soaring above the ground and suspiciously spooky. After a little reflection, the author of the mysterious shot came to the conclusion that accidentally caught in the lens of his camera a real native from that Sveta. To be more precise, he believes that he took the spirit of one of law enforcement officers who died here a decade and a half ago in the result of a clash with extremists.

Some skeptics on the World Wide Web claim it is certainly not a ghost, but a reflection of light or dirt on camera lens. However, other web users in response to it is noticed that the anomaly is clearly closed by a green branch tree, therefore clearly located behind it.

In any case, ghosts often fall into the lens of photo and video cameras, why in this case the ghost could not do the same the most? ..

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