The ghost of a woman on the road scared motorcyclist

The ghost of a woman on the road scared a motorcyclistPhoto from open sources

A mysterious video appeared on the World Wide Web, on which may have captured a native of the next world. It is reported that an ominous video was received on February 22, 2016, however he became public only now. Frames were made roadside surveillance camera in a certain Asian country. Despite on the fact that very little is known about what happened, the material quickly scattered across the Web, riveting the attention of thousands of users.

By turning on the entry below, you will see a person riding on a motorcycle on a dark road. Time according to timecode on video, one in the morning. In front of the driver a woman appears from nowhere in white robe and with long dark hair. Motorcyclist slows down and the ghost immediately disappears. Asian puzzled gets off his “iron horse” and is examined around. Unexpectedly phantom reappears a few steps from him. Scared man rushes away, forgetting about his transport vehicles.

One can only guess what thoughts were rushing at that moment in the head of the poor fellow. He must have initially considered that he almost knocked down a woman on the road, but in the end he had to flee from her, since the stranger was by no means human. Some commentators have suggested that this is a hoax, however failed to explain how the alleged actress overnight disappeared from the roadway and again appeared on it.

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