The ghost was photographed with children near bonfire

The ghost was photographed with children near the firePhoto from open sources

On Saturday, November 12th, a group of adults, kids and teenagers in the dynoiddy county of virginia set off overnight with a forest. When vacationers sat late in the evening near the fire, Zack Everett, the main organizer of the campaign, several times I photographed children on a smartphone, and then posted the received pictures on the World Wide Web for your friends: here, they say, how we relax in the lap of nature.

Only the next day, returning home and turning on your computer, everett noticed that one of his photos yesterday actively commenting. As it turned out, many American friends noticed an incomprehensible silhouette behind groups of schoolchildren. According to some commentators, the mysterious the figure looks like a woman in an old robe. However how is she ended up in the forest? Why was none of those present at her bonfire?

A photo from open sources

Everett immediately hurried to send a mysterious picture of his colleague Shelley Ballard, who also participated in the campaign, and the woman reported that the author probably managed to photograph in the forest is a real ghost. “It looks very creepy. Something a dead, completely lifeless face looks the other way than children. You would think that someone had crept behind photographed with schoolchildren for fun, but then Zach I would see this man, ”Ballard reports.

A local man even told about a mysterious photo with a phantom TV channel “WTPR”. After that, several people called the studio, who suggested that the image was captured The spirit of a soldier during the American Civil War of 1861-1865. IN The dinuiddy at that time held bloody battles, therefore one can really assume that this is a phantom of the fallen in battle warrior.

Most of all it was the children who were delighted at the unexpected guest, who learned about what happened both from the Internet and from to television. It turned out that young Americans are not at all afraid the advent of a ghost and even want to go camping again overnight in same place. That’s just adults do not show much enthusiasm for this idea …

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