The ghostly face on the lantern scared of Americans

The ghostly face on the lantern scared the AmericansPhoto from open sources

In the infamous Massachusetts city of Salem, where in 1692-1693 Puritans brutally executed on charges of witchcraft at least two dozen people noticed a strange phenomenon, supposedly supernatural in nature.

Photographed the anomaly on Tuesday, April 25, the mayor herself – Kim Driscoll, and the cryptic shot, needless to say, quickly spread among city dwellers, then among American Internet users, and then was picked up by other resources Networks.

The 50-year-old town governor captured the usual a street lamp, on the ceiling of which a human suddenly appeared face. The sunken eyes of the phantom, the upturned nose and open mouth, as if pronouncing the letter “O”. Driscoll posted the resulting image on the social network Twitter and wrote: “Does anyone else see the face on the lantern? A creepy sight, uh …” From of these words we can conclude that the official herself in a certain degree scared by his find.

Salem residents quickly determined that the mysterious lantern was near the local courthouse, and began to go there to see with your own eyes a ghostly head. It turned out that with a certain angle, it can really be seen by anyone wishing. Thus, with the filing of the mayor in the city appeared a kind of “paranormal attraction.” Even some newcomers who are now in Salem go look at this a curiosity.

A photo from open sources

A ghost in a lantern – a warning to the living now?

Skeptics, of course, argue that we are talking about pareidolic illusions when the human brain recognizes in random lines and shapes familiar to him images. Similarly to for example, you can observe in the clouds figures of animals, birds, and even divine creatures. Materialists believe that the lamp in the lantern and the dirt on the ceiling creates such an unusual visual illusion, although in fact, nothing supernatural happened. Kim Driscoll now jokes that he does not seriously believe in “lantern ghosts”, and her post on the Internet was just a joke. What else can you say mayor to justify his fleeting weakness? Or insights? ..

Meanwhile, many citizens believe that everything is not so simple. Perhaps it’s really a ghost, and the ghost of one and miserable, executed here more than three centuries ago. No wonder an ominous face appeared near the courthouse. Salem process witches is considered one of the most barbaric cases in the world legal proceedings. At least nineteen were sent to the scaffold women, and at least one man was stoned. All the fault became children who became ill with an unknown ailment and began to blame this fellow countrymen in witchcraft, inciting parents to deal with “evil people” …

Horrible times, terrible manners, isn’t it? And as of now, everyone well? Or maybe the ghost in the lantern is a warning now living? ..


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